
Showing posts from October, 2020

Don’t Wait for Sh*t to Hit the Fan

Hey Party People, Settle in and buckle up, I’m a little fired up this week. I was listening to a podcast today called From Awareness to Extraordinary Accomplishment , on the Unmistakeable Creative, and each minute that passed on this podcast I started to feel a resistance to what was being said, which then grew into frustration. I chose to listen to this episode because it seemed right up my alley. I am an avid believer in personal awareness of ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions. I figured this topic could maybe help me with some of my personal blocks, I mean we're talking about using awareness to reach accomplishment right? Needless to say it wasn't what I was expected but it did create some a-ha moments for myself.  (Has that ever happen to you when something, or someone gets you all worked up about something that you didn't even realize irked you?) So why did I get all fired up about this episode? Well, I felt it continuously stressed two narratives that I’ve...

Hustle For Easy

Hey Party People, I had an extra hour the morning I wrote this post, an hour I completely forgot I had! What a special realization that was because if I had remembered I would have planned something to do in that extra hour ahead of time. But instead here I am with words and feels flowing through me. Today I want to talk about perfectionism and the hustle. I picked up one of  Brené  Brown’s books this AM, Daring Greatly, and wasn’t feeling the chapter I left it on so I flipped back through the pages and landed on this exact topic – perfectionism. This is something I have ALWAYS struggled within all aspects of my life and up until recently I didn’t realize it was a belief around perfectionism, I felt it was me simply striving to do my best. What I’ve learned though is that there is a difference between being perfect, and striving for your personal best. Being perfect is motivated by the external. We seek validation, approval, or assurance from others when we strive for...

Community Manifesto Pt 2

Hey Party People, First off Happy Thanksgiving! Despite the craze of 2020 there is plenty to be thankful for and I hope each and every one of you is taking the time to focus on that. Focus on the things that we know we are so lucky to have. Don’t get caught up in the busyness or stress of hosting a holiday dinner, but be thankful you have food on the table, a family that get’s to be together, and another chance and another day to be here in this beautiful disaster of a world. So last week we talked about community, more specifically an inventory of who is in our life and who we should call in to create a well-rounded support system. This week I wanted to build on this sense of community and how to gain authentic, real, and long-standing connections. As I mentioned last week I’m in a space where I’m seeking community, I’m seeking my people, but what has manifested in my little subconscious is not about who I want but how I want them to make me feel, how they bring value to my life...

Community Manifesto

Hey Party People, com · mu · ni · ty     /k əˈ myo ͞ on ə d ē / Can we just talk about the phonetics of this work for a second… Ha! The weird collection of words written under the word community, yeah the ones that look like gibberish, that’s the phonetics or the guide to how to pronounce this word. Looking at that I would likely pronounce it K--mee--oo--nay--day. I thought it was kinda weird… Anyway! I wanted to write about community this week, because it’s something that I’ve been missing in my life, in my circles, and it’s something I want to call into my life. But what I’ve learned is that to call anything in we have to get really specific on what it is we want – the universe can’t read our confused minds; it can only understand our true desires. If we don’t know, it can’t either. So let’s first define what community means. It’s defined as, “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.” Sounds easy to find...