Don’t Wait for Sh*t to Hit the Fan
Hey Party People, Settle in and buckle up, I’m a little fired up this week. I was listening to a podcast today called From Awareness to Extraordinary Accomplishment , on the Unmistakeable Creative, and each minute that passed on this podcast I started to feel a resistance to what was being said, which then grew into frustration. I chose to listen to this episode because it seemed right up my alley. I am an avid believer in personal awareness of ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions. I figured this topic could maybe help me with some of my personal blocks, I mean we're talking about using awareness to reach accomplishment right? Needless to say it wasn't what I was expected but it did create some a-ha moments for myself. (Has that ever happen to you when something, or someone gets you all worked up about something that you didn't even realize irked you?) So why did I get all fired up about this episode? Well, I felt it continuously stressed two narratives that I’ve...