Don’t Wait for Sh*t to Hit the Fan

Hey Party People,

Settle in and buckle up, I’m a little fired up this week. I was listening to a podcast today called From Awareness to Extraordinary Accomplishment, on the Unmistakeable Creative, and each minute that passed on this podcast I started to feel a resistance to what was being said, which then grew into frustration.

I chose to listen to this episode because it seemed right up my alley. I am an avid believer in personal awareness of ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions. I figured this topic could maybe help me with some of my personal blocks, I mean we're talking about using awareness to reach accomplishment right? Needless to say it wasn't what I was expected but it did create some a-ha moments for myself. 

(Has that ever happen to you when something, or someone gets you all worked up about something that you didn't even realize irked you?)

So why did I get all fired up about this episode? Well, I felt it continuously stressed two narratives that I’ve been fighting against or felt conflicted with in my own world. The first, was that you have to hustle in order to be successful. You have to work 27hours a day, 8 days a week to achieve your goals or build that business, or create that piece of art. That the road to success is a grind. NO, SO MUCH NO. Why do we have to work ourselves to the bone, give up all our free time, stop prioritizing our health, forget self care, in order to “be successful.” Remember last week’s post – Hustle for Easy, lets entertain THAT narrative instead of constanty buying into this ongoing never ending belief that we have to suffer before we can be happy. How does this even make sense?

The second narrative that irked me the wrong way is this belief that majority of the most successful business people, entrepreneurs, athletes, coaches, etc. had to reach their rockbottom before they launched into their success. That they could not have achieved this level of success without experiencing that hardship. now, this is no way discounts the trauma or hardship so many of these indivudals, and perhaps yourself, have experienced in order to get where you are, or become who you are today. But again WHY do we have to hit rock bottom before we decide to change our life. Why does it take a marriage crumbling, your business going bankrupt, losing a friend to suicide, gaining 50 pounds, or a number of other terrible things, for us to wake up and decide things need to change in our lives.



Read that again!




I have been struggling with this narrative for months now -I even wrote on the topic here – I Don’t Get an Opinion. I was full-on living with this notion that my opinion “didn’t matter” because I had not faced adversity. (which is a whole other self deprecating narrative I play in my head, but we’ll leave that for another day). I would resist writing or sharing with you because I felt like an imposter, who was I to give advice, to share my thoughts, to inspire you. What have I really done? Well my friends that is a matter of opinion and what I don’t want any of you to fall into is the belief that you need to accept your life as is, because there’s nothing really “wrong” with it. THERE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SOMETHING WRONG FOR YOU TO WANT MORE.

We do not have to accept our lives as is because we think its good enough, or because we feel selfish for wanting more, or that wanting more means you’re not grateful for everything you have. NONE OF THAT IS TRUE. Stop buying into the myth that you do not deserve more, no matter who you are. Don’t wait for shit to hit the fan to start asking yourself what you want, or who you want to be. Start becoming right now, today. It’s your life, and you only have one, so go freaking live it.


Here’s your party jam for the week! Calling all dreamers…. *and yes this from the Disney parade 😉                                                                        

          YouTube >>  Magic Happens – Toddrick Hall

          Spotify >> Magic Happens – Toddrick Hall

Thank-you for taking this time for you, and sharing it with me, I am thankful to be able to share with you.


P.S. Are you on the gram? Add me up and become one of my Party People! @theOnlySaraStepa


  1. I hear what you are saying, why do we wait till it’s so bad or unliveable till we decide to change what is no longer serving us!
    I believe sometimes this is the only way we start to listen to our inner voice. We get trapped into the thinking, when things are ok, that we shouldn’t complain, it could be worse, others have bigger troubles than you do so don’t mess with the OKAY we are in. Is this a programmed voice in our mind? This is good enough, you don’t need or deserve different or better. We all do it & continue to do it. Not sure what the WHY is that we continue down the same road. Maybe it’s just the easy way, it comfortable.
    I truly believe this step takes courage & self worth work. Especially if you have played these voices for many many years.
    What ever you do don’t play the voices to long, go for better, be happier, strive for self care, learn to Love yourself, become your biggest support fan & follow your Heart ❤️ Do it now, don’t wait till shit hits the fan 😊


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