That Person in the Mirror
Hey Party People,
When you wake up each morning, who do you see looking back at you? How do you feel about that person and what words do you say to yourself? Are you loving on yourself and see someone who is strong, resilient, and worthy? Or are you a hater and focusing on your flaws and perceived shortcomings.
The words we
say or think about ourselves matter. Whether this is out loud or in our head
what we think is powerful. DYK we think approximately 90,000 thoughts a day,
90,000! Further, of those 90,000 thoughts, approximately 90% of those thoughts
are repeats from the day before. Our minds are on repeat, so what are you
thinking, saying, and feeing about that person in the mirror everyday.
I strive to
be positive and to be the best version of myself. But right now I would not say
I am my best version but I’m making progress. In complete honesty one of the
first things I’ve been saying to myself when I look in the mirror is… “why can’t
I freaking sleep, these bags under my eyes are awful.” It’s a double whammy
shaming myself that I’m not sleeping well, like its my fault, and then bashing
my appearance as a result of this troubled rest. This is pretty much on the daily
which leads me to another stat. Almost 80% of our recuring daily thoughts are
negative thoughts. 80%! Every person is different of course, but its incredible
how much space we give to the negative.
It’s also
incredible how much more power negative thoughts have in our live. They have 10x
more power on our beliefs and actions than positive ones. It can actually take
10 positive thoughts to counter one negative. I wondered why that is, but it
makes sense. We are quick to believe our shortcomings and embrace that as truth
but have to be convinced of our worthiness and strengths. Think about it – when
someone gives you a compliment do you accept it with grace and receive that
love? Or do you respond and diminish.
Ex. You did
a really great job on that speech/report/song/pitch. Oh thanks I really had no idea
what I was talking about.
Let’s receive
this positivity party people! And let’s start giving it to ourselves.
If you truly
don’t like who you see looking back at you, ask who is it that you want to be. If
you don’t know what you want you can’t become it, go get it or change it. Start
there and do your best and then...
Strive to be Better than Yesterday.
Pump yourself up and Celebrate your wins!
Celebrate that person looking back at you in the Mirror!
Change those repetitive negative thoughts to Supportive
You got this. I believe in you, even if you don’t
just yet.
Now let’s get movin! Here’s a couple party jams from Black artists!!
Kenya artist Jarimba Cassanova just dropped his album Millenial Fever. My fav is This Kind of Love.
Check out some other fire YYC and YEG artists! Big shout out to the @10.at10 Insta account for
showcasing this talent!
@justinetyrell Check
out her Youtube
channel and Spotify
@kuzi.cee Check out his YouTube channel or Spotify
P.S. Here is your dose of learning for Black History Month. I want to send you over to the Sankofa Arts and Music Foundation insta page @SankofaYYC. Their youth are putting up daily posts of Black historical facts and challenges to learn. Sankofa Arts is a non-profit organization dedicated to informing and empowering youth to be agents of change in their communities through various art forms. Not on IG, check out their website.
One thing I learned from the Sankofa Youth this week was the Black National Anthem, also called, “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” It’s a truly beautiful song. And for those of you who watched the Superbowl, and watched Alicia Keys as part of the pre-game show - You heard this song! Lift Every Voice and Sing was originally written as a poem by James Weldon Johnson (1871–1938) in 1900 and performed for the anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birthday in 1905.
The reflection I see??? Who are you?? I’m getting to know you better each step I take in a journey of self discovery.
ReplyDeleteYes I believe the self talk is on repeat, repeat, repeat. I have a voice inside that is not a very nice person (I call her the mean girl). She talked to me all day long, good days and bad days for many years.
As I have been on this journey of self discovery, she doesn’t get to talk as much anymore. I have a knowing when she wants to pop in and mess with me. I am stronger nowadays to hold her voice back. I do realize their is another voice I can let pipe up (she is the friend of self) with encouraging words, gentle words, proud words, loving & compassionate words.
I do know what you are talking about when people or persons give you a complement of a job well done or a quote well said, or you have beautiful insight. I have a hard time with the acceptance of that. Because I say “Really” are you sure or are you just being nice to not hurt my feelings? I am getting better as I do feel confident when I reach out to support others, as I have had the same emotions, so makes me confident to speak on this subject.
I am getting to like/love the person I am discovering. I have been here my whole life, I know, but just a new kinda relationship with myself.♥️
I believe it is practice we require ourselves to be aware of, check in with the self talk, ask for support without embarrassment, rely on the small wins to celebrate, and self care/love is required each and everyday. Because we are worth it❤️
Lots of Love to you my Bear Cub, you are freaking amazing