Money on Ma Mind

 Hey Party People,

I am just about to round out the last week of my job. I made the leap to leave this role at the beginning of January, and after a lengthy transition, I am on my way to freedom in a short week’s time. This also means I’ll be receiving my last regular paycheque.

For many this would cause feelings of panic and anxiety, I know this because it was the central fear of others when I voiced that I would be leaving my job. What was I going to do about money? Well first things first, I have always lived within my means. I’m not a big shopper (but I do love my shoes!), my rent is insanely affordable for my area, and the space I tend to spend the most money is on travel, which isn’t on the table right now. I’ve always felt I had pretty good money mindset, I’m saver, pay my bills on time, and don’t spend money I don’t yet have. This I’ve earned is not regular human behavior and perhaps why money is a cause of stress for so many others.

Money is also often correlated with happiness, with having nice things, and is the marker of success. I like to challenge these beliefs and ask, “does money truly deserve the central focus we give it?” Now I will put a disclaimer here… yes money can make our lives easier, and having enough can reduce stress, and it can give us more freedom. But is money the only thing that matters though?

I was chit chatting with someone this morning and she mentioned her boyfriend was being shipped out of town again for work, and this was upsetting for her. Her partner was once again leaving her and their little girl of about a year and a half. Her friend circle was telling her, “well at least he’s working,” or “just be thankful he has a job.” I understand this mindset and it was something I had to battle when making the choice to leave my job. There is this mentality of scarcity right now when it comes to work and money. That if we have it or we are making it we are “lucky.” I disagreed with her social circle and said but is this job really all that matters?

The additional stresses this can put on a family should not be ignored. To be separated from your partner, and growing little girl, only to be stuck in a work camp and isolated in the middle of nowhere. This will take a major toll on one’s mental health don’t you think? Couple that with guilt for missing those early life moments and feelings of duty to provide – what an internal battle! Further it's challenging for the one staying home. They never envisioned a daily life of loneliness where they have a partner who can’t be around. It wouldn’t be either person's first choice, but they accept it as their reality.

I ask why? Why do we accept mental hardship, the strain on our relationships, and isolation in exchange for a job or money in our bank accounts? If you lost your social connections, your family, or your life - would that paycheque be worth it? I can hear the arguments now – Sara you just don’t get it. And in some ways, I very much do not because it’s not my life or my reality. But I have also made choices in my life that have not put me in this position. I had the opportunity to be in a relationship where my partner's job was literally going to take them all over the world. They wanted kids and I would have had to stay home to raise them. Was that the life I wanted? Oh hell nah that wasn’t going to be my reality, and I choose that and you can as well. Whether your situation compares to the two realities above or not, you can begin to make different choices where money is not the only driving force behind your decisions.

So I put forth an alternative mindset. What if you could make the same amount of money or more, doing something you enjoy and brings you happiness. It’s been ingrained in us that a job is a job. We show up, punch the clock, and go home so we can get a paycheque. Instead, let’s want more from our jobs! Let’s strive to leave a mark on this world or at the very least let’s live a life that brings us HAPPINESS. Maybe it's not in you to “change the world,” that’s cool, you don’t have to. But it should be in you to find happiness. You deserve that.

I just don’t want you to wake up one day at 60, 70, 80 years old to realize you missed your entire life. That the only thing that mattered to you was working and the paycheque that followed. What’s the fucking point if that’s all there is? You can want more for your life! Stop letting others tell you that you’re lucky and to be grateful for what you have. Want more, expect more, and go after more! And if you don’t want to that’s your prerogative, but then don’t complain if your life isn’t what you imagined it would be. It’s never too late, you got this. It’s your life so go out there and live it!


Now let’s get movin! Here are some party jams from Black artists as we continue on with Black History Month!! I’m a Spotify gal but I assume you can find these jams on Apple Music or Amazon Prime too.

·         Money Aint a Thing – Jay Z & JD Surabaya (Spotify)

·         YYC artist @justinetyrell Check her our on Youtube and Spotify

·         @kuzi.cee is on YouTube or Spotify   

·         How I Got Over – The Roots (Spotify)

Did you miss last week's inspo? Check it out here - That Person in the Mirror.

With Gratitude,



P.S. Looking for resources for Black History Month? Check out the Canadian Governments page here.

Alternatively, support a Black author, artist, organization, or restaurant. Experience is the best kind of experience. I also just finished a book by Nigerian NYT Bestseller Luvvie Ajayi. Her book I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual was not only hilarious but provided amazing insights and perspectives that I could relate to. I’m also a major fan of alliteration, when a string of words all start with the same letter. This woman is the queen of alliteration! Her newest book, Professional Troublemaker, is dropping March 2! Mine is already on pre-order 😊


  1. Love the thoughts on the money entanglement of life.
    I truly believe we are programmed very early in life this is our destination we are heading for. Work hard, have this home, get this car, have more stuff & stuff & stuff. Look at me, look what I have.
    I have never been afraid of hard work, or have fear to dive into a project, or learn a new skill or educate myself on a topic. What I have witnessed as my parents and in-laws aged and passed on was that none of this stuff that they worked so hard for made any difference or contributed to their happiness. I did see their regrets of all the things they missed out on, because they chose to work harder, work more, leave their families to work away. I see it in my own partner, more stuff will fill the void. It will fill my cup to have more stuff. I will feel better if I have another nice car, motor home, tractor, tools, etc, etc,....What I really see is very sad & unsatisfied people always searching for that thing that will make them feel.....happy?
    I’m a little different, I always wanted my family, to spend time with them, make a nice home that we are comfortable in, enjoy times together, make the memories with each other. In all honesty that’s not what I allowed to happen. I followed my partner’s lead and did what I thought was the best for my family. Build another house, move again, build another house, move again build another house.....40 years later I feel the exhaustion of the search....for a better happier life.
    I do believe I deserve more out of life, but it really isn’t stuff I am searching for. I want companionship, conversation, engagement, exploring new adventures together, memories to make that can never be taken from me. Is this what Money can buy? Then I’m in, haha! Yes money helps, I agree whole heartedly. What is all the stuff worth if you don’t have the joy & happiness in the sharing of life. It’s a lonely place at times sitting among all this stuff we worked so hard for.
    I am truly working on myself to find the balance of the stuff & Joy in my life. I have found a passion that ignites my soul. That is where I want to focus to find my peace and happiness within. Money will always be part of the equation to care for ones self, but I believe working to fill my soul versus working to have more stuff -will bring me more♥️Love & Joy in the end.


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