2020 was supposed to be my year…

Hey Party People, 

We are ALL experiencing new things daily! I honestly don’t know where my mind will be when I wake up each day. This week I’ve hit snooze or turned off my alarm more than once because…. Well, my bed just felt better, it felt safe.
Anybody else with me?

Right now, as a collective, we are still processing and adapting to what is going on in our world. Many of us are still in shock and are grieving or just beginning to grieve the things we lost and the things we’ve missed out on.

Imagine the high school students who don’t get to walk the stage at their graduation. Or the bride whose wedding was canceled. The loved ones we have lost or may lose. The prolonged impacts on our economy, our health care system, and our children’s education. Collectively we will experience a level of loss we have never experienced before.

You’re probably wondering ok Stepa, what’s the point. You’re just bringing me down… My point is twofold. First, we will get through this. You know why I know this? Because each one of us has already experienced things in our lives that have been HARD AF. This will mean different things for different people, but we have ALL been through hard things and we are still here. We made it through that and now we walk through the storm of COVID-19. Second, the context of our lives has shifted. Do any of you remember what you were complaining about 3 weeks ago? What you were anxious or afraid of then? Earlier this year, I was actually concerned that I didn’t have enough things in my calendar, my life felt “slow.” Well, my friends, that calendar cleared up REAL fast!

Through our grieving, shock and forced change in perspective I’m curious how many of you have forgotten (Maybe just temporarily), about your 2020 goals, or just the things you were excited about for 2020. How many of you said, “2020, this is my year!!” So, did I! I had all kinds of plans to grow my social circles and run a marathon. à Enter COVID-19 and social isolation… dang.

But you guys… just because it gets hard, just because our focus has changed doesn’t mean we give up. Don’t get me wrong we have all EARNED a grace period these past few weeks but its time to make a plan. Am I going to give up on my 2020 goals? Heck No. It just means I'll be using social media like its my job to connect with people. And I will learn to train and run solo. I am running a marathon by the end of 2020 in a race, or alone. It's happening.  

If you can find a way to thrive in the thick of the next few months, imagine, IMAGINE, what you’ll be able to tackle when this is all over. Don’t give up on yourself. Don’t give up on your goals. And sure as sh*t don’t give up on your dreams.

Ok, now its time for a FriYAY Party Jam! Whoop Whoop!

With Love and Gratitude,

P.S. Follow me on social for live messages and positive media!
Instagram: @mssarastepa
Facebook: @SaraStepa
