Hey Party People!

A pandemic is upon us... but wtf does that actually mean? On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization announced COVID-19 as a global pandemic launching us into unprecedented times. And if any of you are like me you had to google the word pandemic… what did that MEAN? The past week has shown us a pandemic is not something to take lightly... 

Google defines it as, an outbreak of disease prevalent over a whole country or the world.

Well, that didn’t sound good…. So I began preparing myself and right now in this moment I believe positivity and a sense of community will get us through this.
So since this proclamation, our governments have shared new announcements almost daily. While I could go through these, I don’t think a reminder of these will do us any good. Instead, I’m going to share a little about how I made it through my first week of social distancing and working remotely.

Monday – Today I worked in the office, solo. And it almost felt normal… except my team wasn’t there. To provide a little context I work in the CUTEST historical schoolhouse with a staff of 7 other people. This team brightens my day the moment I enter that office each workday. So that Monday it hit me hard when they weren’t there. I was in tears, I was scared of the uncertainty and the unknown. Then I had a team conference call. Hearing the voices of everyone immediately brightened my spirits and gave me even more appreciation for them.

My Team got me through Monday.

Tuesday – My first day of working remotely. It was hard to be engaged with so much uncertainty in the background and emails just didn’t seem all that important. I probably worked a total of 2.5 hours that day, including our morning staff call. Knowing I was less than productive I chose to get out for a sunny lunchtime run. The sun on my face, fresh air, and the physical escape helped clear my mind.

My run got me through Tuesday.

Wednesday – My day job places me in the management circle which meant this day was all about decisions and response planning… Today was the most stressful day because I felt so unprepared and unworthy to be apart of these decisions. First, no one knows what is right or how to respond in this is unprecedented environment. Second, I felt I had no right to be at the table. I thought what right or experience do I have to be deciding what we should do next. It was hard to navigate the big picture response, our team’s mental health, and basic operations at the same time. Despite how challenging it was, we showed strength in a challenging time and worked together.

But it was still…Wine that got me through Wednesday.

Thursday – My Peak! I woke up and felt POSITIVE on Thursday. There was no specific reason for it, but I was grateful and hosted multiple dance parties in my apartment that day. My cat Bodhi I KNOW was getting tired of me by the end of the day haha!  That day I knew I had to share my positive vibes, so I shared with my team and on my social media channels - 10 things I’m doing to Stay Positive.
(This will be a future post to come… Stay tuned.)

Gratitude got me through Thursday.  

Friday – We decided our team and ourselves needed a day off, so Friday there were no work distractions or responsibilities. Today gave me the time and space to begin processing what the past week had been like. I fiddled my way through my day with various things, but I ended the day baking cookies! I used to LOVE making cookies with my mom as a kid and I truthfully forgot the JOY it brought me. Who else remembers what its like to lick the beaters and taste test the dough? The smell that fills your home, it smells like comfort. And my first chewy, hot out of the oven, melt in your mouth, bite of a cookie was like heaven.

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies got me through Friday.

I hope this little recap shows you how different each day can be and that different things will carry us through.

I’ll leave you with a party jam to lift your spirits.
Party Jam – Dirty Pop - N ’Sync

With Gratitude,


P.S. Follow me on social for live messages and positive media!
Instagram: @mssarastepa
Facebook: @SaraStepa
