Another Monday…

Hey Party People, 

Another week, another Monday. We’ve been living in our new normal and upturned realities for 2-3 weeks (it's really hard to count how long its been, I mean is it actually Monday?).

Each day when I wake up, I don’t know what I’m going to be feeling. Will I feel positive? Will I feel anxious? Will I feel overwhelmed? Will I feel hope? I don’t know, so I continue to take it one day at a time.

As a new week begins we again don’t know what to expect and all of us are feeling a wide spread of emotions. I feel incredibly blessed and grateful that I can still work,  and work safely from the comforts of my home. The Foundation I work for is still operating and “business as usual.” My dad and my brother are still working. My family is fine. But I can't help but think about so many others who are not fine or who are working on the front lines of this crisis (Doctors, nurses, our government). My heart hurts when I think about all the individuals whose livelihoods have been taken away or turned upside down because of COVID-19.
I feel so many emotions throughout my week and I don’t anticipate this week being any different.

I feel Guilt…because I am ok. My job wasn’t affected. My paycheques are still coming. Why am I so lucky?

I feel Stress…of making decisions about other people's jobs and how to keep our team safe, happy, and working.  

I feel Gratitude for the bubbly and committed team, I get to work with (virtually) each day.

I feel Discomfort… as I try to work and act like everything is business as usual. Talk about projects and fundraising when people are struggling. I ask, “does this even matter?”

And I feel Pride… When I realize the work I get to be apart of every day helps build community and that there are still people striving to improve their communities. It's inspiring.

My emotions are endless and I’m sure many of you feel some of the same feelings and others as you make it through each day. But remember we are all struggling in our own ways. And while we all have different jobs and different roles I believe that EVERYONE has the job of showing up. Showing up for yourself, showing up for your family, showing up for your friends, pets, neighbours, coworkers. Whoever it is, we cannot give up on each other. We have to show up. We cannot go through another Monday paralyzed by fear or uncertainty. Instead, we take control of our day and we show up, because that is what we can control.

This Monday and each day after, we all need to show up.

Time for your Monday party jam to lift your spirits.

Also friends, I added a subscribe button to the main page of the blog. If you enjoy these posts and they are helping you through, sign up and you’ll get an email when I post next. 😊

With gratitude,


P.S. Follow me on social for live messages and positive media!

Instagram: @mssarastepa
Facebook: @SaraStepa

P.P.S. If you wonder where I get so much of my positivity and good vibes from, its because of two very inspiring people and their company. The Hollis Co. is run by Rachel and Dave Hollis and they inspire me or make me laugh on the daily. They are starting a #NEXT90DayChallenge TODAY. I've signed up and I invite you to join to. I promise you these individuals have a special give to inspire and create community. Check it out and sign up today! >> #NEXT90DayChallenge


  1. Replies
    1. Lol, it says "unknown" but this is Sammy :) Love you Sar. Thanks for the good vibes you send out to the universe each and every day. Your positivity and honest reflections are welcome in a weird world at a chaotic time <3


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