To Stay or to Go
Hey Party People,
We’ve done a pretty good job of keeping our COVID numbers low in the province,
staying home and limiting our contact with ... well everyone. And its worked exactly
as they had hoped, we flattened the curve. Now its time to start loosening up some
of our restrictions. Non essential health procedures are starting up again,
things like physio and chiro are able to take patients again and come May long
weekend cafes, bars, and restaurants have the option to begin opening their
doors again. YAY! This is good right?
Truthfully I have complete mixed feelings
about it all. First of all yes I want to hug the crap out of everyone I see.
This is what I miss the most and I truly want to see my friends and spend time
with people in real time, but I’m also hesitant. I can feel a resistance to
what this will look and feel like. Just because things are opening up does that
mean I should go out? Just because restrictions are loosening does that mean I
can see my friends again? I was excited when I first heard the news and then thought, wait… things can’t just go back to how it used to be. Everything is still
going to be so different. COVID is still here.
We’ve trained our brains and changed
our behaviours to view COVID-19 and everything outside the walls of our own
home as unsafe. We might look at someone wearing a mask and assume they are
sick or they are a threat. Heck, I think we view everyone as a threat lately. Through
this thing, through this time, we have triggered our fight or flight response and
have been living in a constant state of fear, reacting to our surroundings to “stay
alive”. As things begin to open up again I think this feeling will actually be
heightened even further. For most of us we feel safe at home, and this is where
we are spending the most time, so we get a break from the fight or flight triggers.
When we leave our homes we begin to look, act, and feel in ways that are out of
fear. Personally, I can feel myself get triggered when I enter a grocery store.
I have been able to distance my state of mind from COVID quite well. Day to
day, I thankfully do not dwell on the crisis, I just keep on trucking. BUT as
soon as I enter the grocery store, I am triggered, I am in that fight or flight
mode. With the sanitized shopping carts, and arrows on the ground, and seeing
fear in people's eyes if I get to close to them - I get triggered. I have to consciously
tell myself its ok and force a kind smile on my face to show others and myself,
I am not a threat and neither are they.
I don’t know how it will feel to go
into other spaces and places but it will be a learning process for us all to transition
into another adjusted reality.
So now, as places begin to open up
again, should I go back out in the world? Should I get my haircut? Can I enjoy
a beer with my best friend, at our second favourite pub (our first favourite is
choosing not to re-open yet) for the long weekend? Can I once again begin to
enjoy the things I’ve missed so much, or not? I flip flop every day because I miss
my people, but I also care for my people and want them to be safe. It will be
interesting to see how things unfold as restrictions begin to lift. We will
have to re-train ourselves to act rationally, instead of reactionary to
everything around us.
I’m going to leave you with a
beautiful saying a friend of mine says.
In a world that you can be anything,
be kind.
So next time you might be feeling
triggered or afraid, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are ok, it
will be ok, and put a kind smile on your face. It will be with kindness,
patience, and smiles that we will continue moving through this thing,
YouTube >> Party Rock Anthem, LMFAO
Spotify >> Party
Rock Anthem, LMFAO
If you’re online reach out to me on social,
say hi 😊
Instagram: @mssarastepa
Facebook: @SaraStepa
With so much gratitude,
PS. I still don’t know how to see comments. My
mama just told me she's been commenting on my posts and I DIDNT KNOW! I'm
trying to find your comments and haven't yet… Tech is not my fortay haha