Find Your Purpose

Hey Party People,
I’m feeling a bit fiery in my heart right now despite feeling a little crappy in my body. I heard a question today that made me think – Could you imagine if you were going through this time without a purpose? And I wondered, how many of you feel that way? How many of you feel like you’ve lost your direction or lack any kind of purpose right now? Are you allowing yourself to drown in the unknown? Are you allowing yourself to just be pissed off all the time? Are you wallowing in the experiences you may have missed out on?

If you are still sitting in those feelings we all felt in week one of COVID, its time to let it go. It is time to stop allowing this virus to control your life, your mindset, and your choices. I’m not saying you forget about how you felt, or the things you may have lost, but staying stuck in those emotions does not serve you. It can no longer be an excuse to watch Netflix or to start drinking at noon, or to eat take-out food every dang day.


You can still hold space for the losses you experienced, and the ones we will continue to be robbed of. Things are different and yeah some days it sucks. The days we can’t celebrate graduations, or weddings, or baby showers, or birthdays, or Mother’s Days…. ALL OF THE DAYS. We cannot do it like we used but we CAN adapt and we can decide how we show up. If we could start viewing our current situation and see how it's working FOR us instead of TO us we will begin to find purpose. Each and every day I see little things or have small ideas sprout in my head, that NEVER would have happened if it weren’t for COVID. NEVER.

Search for a purpose right now. Maybe you’re creative and you could create online learning tools for parents that are homeschooling or launch a social media campaign to connect neighbours. Maybe you create and share your musical talents with others online. Or maybe its to work on that business idea that’s been floating around your head. What if you went back to school, or took an online class? How many home upgrades have you put off? There are things to do, go do them. There is SO MUCH opportunity to find a purpose right now you guys, you just have to look for it.

It’s time to stop making excuses and figure out your next step. Find a purpose. Get off your butt and stop letting your life pass you by.

Its week 9 of social distancing, 9 weeks have gone by. What have you done with yourself in these past 2 months? Are you proud of what you have accomplished? Are you proud of how you have handled the stress? Are you proud of how you are showing up for your own life and others? If you’re not, what are you waiting for? Week 1 vs week 9, they look different, so start acting differently. Find some dang courage and have enough respect for yourself to not give up on your life and let it pass by with Netflix on in the background.

Try to reimagine what your life, or your business, or your circumstance could look like. It may not be the same as it did at the beginning of 2020 but you can still want more for yourself. Your dreams, goals, and life did not end because of COVID, we just took a detour. Now its your job to find you’re your way back to that road, or maybe see if there’s a new road that you’re meant to be driving on. Truly, what if….WHAT IF, COVID was truly happening FOR us. Search for this and I promise you, you will be surprised at what has entered your life. It won’t be immediate, but if you try, even if its for others. Search for positive impacts this has had on them, and you will begin to see how this has brought something good to you too. When you do, USE THAT to build on and envision what you want for your life? Imagine it and write it down. Find your purpose again and stop letting COVID and your excuses run your life.
Here’s your party jam, its time to be BRAVE.

If you’re online reach out to me on social, say hi ðŸ˜Š
Instagram: @mssarastepa
Facebook: @SaraStepa

With so much gratitude,



  1. Great post! I know that I have used this time to move forward with dreams I had but are now pursuing, I have lost weight, & mentally I have worked really really hard on my personal well being ❤️ Covid has given me the time I needed to move forward! I also had great support to find this place in life too!


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