Leadership is for Everyone

Hey Party people,
I just finished a full Saturday of personal development by a woman, named Rachel Hollis, who has changed the way I believe in myself. Changed the way I believe I can show up in this world. And I am inspired.
I spent over 8 hours listening to speakers talk about courage and the importance of leadership during this time. Throughout the day there were so many nuggets of amazing inspiration and takeaways but the final message from Rachel was about leadership. Leadership is about showing up when others don’t know how. Leadership is taking a step forward when no one else will. Leaders know the way, show the way and go the way. Leaders are mamas, sisters, coworkers, writers, speakers, and friends. Sometimes we choose this role and other times it gifted to us by others.
Being a leader is hard. It’s not a role that should be taken lightly because when people turn to you, count on you, and follow your direction, they need you. You have been given a special power to guide others on their path, and it should not be taken lightly or for granted. It’s both a gift and a burden. Being recognized as a leader is a gift, but also carries a great weight. It requires great strength, consistency and confidence to take not only yourself but others along with you when times get hard.
She also spoke about female leadership and how we are grossly underrepresented in business, personal development, on the world stage and the list goes on. There is a myriad of reasons for this, but I believe that many of us don’t reach for more because we aren’t expected to. We aren’t taught to believe in ourselves in this way, we are taught to be there for everyone else first. We are taught to be selfless, not selfish. We don’t teach our little girls that they can be anything, we might think we do but we don’t. When a little girl, young female, or heck ANY woman for that matter, is loud, has a strong personality, or knows what she wants, what is our message to her? We think or say things like shhhhh don’t be so loud. She’s such a difficult child. She’s so emotional all the time or she’s really full of herself. Could we not encourage our girls, friends, sisters, and mamas to embrace who they are, to share their voice, open their hearts and to be confident.
So much of this is a result of many generations of a moulded society that frames women in a certain light. Its shifting and possibilities are growing. Progress is happening *fist pump* But a vital part of this process is the development and growth of women that are ready to step up and step in as leaders. We need to believe we can be this. Be the leader in our friendship circles, in our families, in our offices, in our own darn lives! It requires bravery, strength, consistency, and a belief that YOU CAN.
I have grown so much in the past decade, but I have grown 10-fold in the past few years because I had people that believed in me, and I found a leader who believed in more. I want to show up for you and I want to show up for me. Now during COVID, after COVID, and beyond because I believe I can.
Image from the Hollisco @Letrise.co
We underestimate the importance of today and overemphasize the yesterdays and the tomorrows. But today is all you have, and it’s time to walk into the life you deserve. This may not be as a leader in the “traditional” sense for some or most of you, but you are the leader of your own life. Read that again, you are the leader of your own life. Parents are also leaders of your children. Some might be leading in their relationships right now, or maybe you are leading a team. No matter what you are a leader and you have a choice. What you accept or settle for in your life is exactly what you deserve. Is your today the kind of today you want to live in or do you want more? The time is now to be the leader of your own life (at the very least) even if everything else feels uncertain.  
I’m a little fired up tonight as I absorb all the wisdom of my day, but I have a fire in my heart that we can all show up for more and lead a life that is full of happiness, compassion, and hope. I believe in today and I believe in you.
With all my love here is your jam to lift you up!

If you’re online reach out to me on social, say hi 😊
Instagram: @mssarastepa
Facebook: @SaraStepa

With so much gratitude,


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