Nurture Your Social Side

Hey Party People,
I’m sure many of us have felt the feeling of excitement and joy when we get something back we haven’t had for a period of time. And I KNOW there are A LOT of things we’ve been missing since COVID hit. What are some of the things you’ve missed most?
For me, it has definitely been people, and I don’t just mean my friends or co-workers, I just mean PEOPLE, in general. What’s been very weird over the years is that I have transformed from a complete and utter introvert to a mega extrovert. I now 100% recharge in settings when I am with people, and of course more so with “my people.” This could be in a professional setting, or social setting; its places where I feel like my most confident self and I thrive.
Since COVID hit, obviously these social settings have been off the table. But now that we are beginning to re-open I am SO EXCITED to see people. I am happy to see 4th street, the amazing community I live, full of life again. I am happy to be able to hit a patio with friends. I am happy to have some freedom back and I know I’m not alone.
See I live alone so my personal interactions with people are getting my morning coffee, or through a device. It's NOT THE SAME as real life. We are social beings. We crave social interaction and physical touch. Even something as simple as a hug can make us feel better. Have you been missing your people? Have you started to open your circles to see them, even if it's from a “socially accepted” distance?
I know its a hard choice to make. We still fear bringing something home to our families, and yes it's still a very real possibility. But.. how long can we remain distanced? How long can we maintain our social ties and mental health without these real-life social interactions? At first yeah, bring on the FaceTime chats, house party get-togethers, and virtual wine nights. I was here for it! But eventually, it wasn’t enough for me. I truly began to crave people.
So last week my work team celebrated my boss's birthday and we decided to drop by at her house with cupcakes and a birthday song. ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS HUG EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! I didn’t… but I wanted to. But it felt so GREAT to see them in real life, and I could feel how great each of them also felt in each other's company.  
Anyone else feeling like this, that they just miss people? Anyone else want to hug the grocery store clerk because they are the only human you see outside yourself or immediate family? Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve noticed how physical distancing has impacted my social well-being. The technological fix worked for a while, but I’m ready for people, and yes I know this comes with a risk, but I can’t allow COVID to control my life. I am choosing to continue living.
It’s a hard choice to decide what is best for ourselves, our families, and our communities. I’m not saying COVID isn’t a real threat and I’m not saying go out and hug every stranger on the street but reflect on how your social and mental well being are doing. Is something missing from your life? Can you find a way to add things back in safely? I believe the answer is yes.
Here are a few social distant “get together” ideas for you to try out!
  1. Parking lot tailgate coffees!
  2. Backyard social distance fires. 
  3. Group picnics in the park.
  4. Drive-in movies (Yes they're coming back!) 

I encourage you to find ways to nurture the social being you are and begin reconnecting. It's important. It's important so we don’t sit in our heads, or lose touch, or forget how GREAT it feels to be around people. (maybe not for some of you introverts, but even for you, you may surprise yourself how much you missed being social). There are ways to be in each other’s presence safely, get creative. Be safe and nurture the social being that you are. People are not the enemy and people are not what you should fear. A loss of connection is.

Here’s your party jam! Stand up, volume up, and Shake it off!
YouTube >>  T-Swift – Shake it Off  

Have a great weekend y’all! Give me a follow while you’ll scrolling.

Instagram: @TheOnlySaraStepa
Facebook: @SaraStepa

With so much gratitude,



  1. I think this week has been by far the hardest during covid. I just felt alone, angry & just plain off of my game! Could figure what was the matter! I figured it out. It was connection of people. Oh how I missed all my community. So Friday & Saturday I had the chance to reconnect with some friends It was so uplifting & filled my heart!


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