Hustle For Easy
Hey Party People,
I had an extra hour the morning I wrote this post, an hour I completely forgot I had! What a special realization that was because if I had remembered I would have planned something to do in that extra hour ahead of time. But instead here I am with words and feels flowing through me.
Today I want to talk about perfectionism and
the hustle.
I picked up one of BrenĂ© Brown’s books
this AM, Daring Greatly, and wasn’t feeling the chapter I left it on so
I flipped back through the pages and landed on this exact topic –
perfectionism. This is something I have ALWAYS struggled within all aspects of
my life and up until recently I didn’t realize it was a belief around
perfectionism, I felt it was me simply striving to do my best.
What I’ve learned though is that there
is a difference between being perfect, and striving for your personal best.
Being perfect is motivated by the external. We seek validation, approval, or
assurance from others when we strive for perfection. When we push for our
personal best this is internally motivated, where we desire the best version of
ourselves. This difference is key because when we seek validation from outside
ourselves we will constantly and continuously miss the mark. This leaves us in
puddles of shame, underachievement, or unworthiness.
Brene has a term that I literally
expressed out loud after reading it, “oh my god, that is so true!” Something
clicked in my conscious brain. Hustle for Worthiness is the term or
phrase she used. How many of us do this – hustle for worthiness? Truthfully,
when you are out there working your butt off for someone else, spending endless
hours at your computer as an entrepreneur, reading alllll of the business or
personal development books, who are you hustling for? Are you self motivated or
motivated by the fear of failure or shame? What factors are pushing you to
What if we flip this concept, hustle
for worthiness, and instead hustle for easy. Why do we so rarely
consider this option? We have it so ingrained in our hearts and minds that
things have to be hard that we fail to even consider the idea that something could
be easy. We all do this in different areas of life. Maybe it’s a job search,
maybe its searching for love, or friendships, or that dream apartment/home
you’ve always wanted. If we could start to believe things were allowed to be
easy and believed in that possibility, don’t you think we would open up an
entirely new area of belief, one where our biggest dreams might actually be
possible, AND EASY? *GASP is that possible?!
My coach constantly is telling me to
“do less.” In an encouraging way, because you guys I am a freaking
perfectionist and feel like I have to do all of the things! Let me take you
back to a couple of years ago because this wasn’t always me… well at least to the
extent I am now.
I’ve always had high expectations of
myself but for a long time, I coasted through life doing the things I thought
were expected of me. Do well in school, go to university, move out of the
parent's basement, get a job, etc. There was very little intentional thought in my
decisions, I just did them…because. Then sometime in 2018, a lightbulb
went off in my head while watching Netflix. I said to myself, “wow… you watch
Netflix almost every single night, are there not better things you could be
doing with your time?” And this wasn’t some self-talk that was placing guilt or
blame on myself for watching some mindless TV series, it was literally a realization
that allowed me to see HOW MUCH TIME I ACTUALLY HAD. So late 2018 I started
signing up and seeking things to get involved in and by the time 2019 started I
was involved and working on what felt like every dang thing. I joined a Board,
I joined a leadership program, I was taking online classes, I was working full
time, trying to have a social life and seeking love. It was my year of Yes, I
was going to do it all.
The problem that I realize now… is this
became my norm, doing it all. It was a crazy year of involvement, of growth,
and learning and I FREAKIN’ LOVED IT… at the time. But now as I explore other
avenues and goals I realized that all those things I jumped into no longer
serve me. At the time they were intentional choices to develop myself
professionally, and it worked. But now I have programmed myself to believe I
have to continue to do ALL of the things, ALL the time. Contrast this with COVID
erasing my calendar in March/April this year (which was a blessing y’all). I went
from doing it all to doing none of it and I also LOVED THAT. Now I’m completely
out of balance. Trying to figure out where to put my time and what to stay or
get involved in again, AND work on my new goals… there’s just not enough brain
space to do all these things.
I’m working on
doing less.
working on not being perfect.
I’m working on things that make me happy.
I’m working on taking the easy path.
I want you to think about the concept,
hustle for worthiness and how you might be acting this out in your own
way. Then consider how different it might feel to hustle for easy. Can
we reach for ease instead of questioning something if it does feel easy? We are
so quick to believe the ongoing narrative that life is hard but why, why can’t it
be easy? Do we have to resort to the belief that we have to hustle in order to
be happy, or to get what we want? I don’t know, I struggle with these same
beliefs that you do but what if, WHAT IF we believed there was an easy path, do
you think it might appear? Every once in a while why don’t we take the path of
least resistance and follow the yellow brick road all the way to our very own
dreamland. Because if I were a betting woman, I bet that’s where the magic
To get you moving and grooving this
week, here’s your party jam. It got me bouncing my booty during a couple
workouts this week, so I had to share. The YouTube link has all the lyrics
which are worth paying attention to đŸ˜‰
>> Dance on The
Table – CLiQ ft. Caitlyn Scarlett, Kida Kudz, Double S
>> Dance on The Table – CLiQ ft. Caitlyn Scarlett, Kida Kudz,
Double S
Thanks as always for reading my
thoughts and perspectives! I am thankful to be able to share it with you.
P.S. Are you on the gram? Add me up
and become one of my Party People! @theOnlySaraStepa
This was great insight once again. I see these aspects in myself but in a slightly different way. My way of always doing my best was to do things for others, look after others, be there for others, do what others told me or expected me to do, whatever the situation was. For many years that’s all I did and I never put my needs or desires first. They became buried really deep within & not easy to tap into. So I have lived many years out of balance within myself, but never really knowing it. It becomes your normal and it’s just the way you live without much thought. Is this one reason I battle depression? It was myself screaming to pay attention to ME, to look out for myself, forgive myself, love myself. This past year has been a journey of reflection & lots of soul searching. Trying to find balance within. Each & everyday I consciously take moments to be with ME, with kindness and compassion. It’s been an interesting journey & scary a lot of the time to face this person I forgot about so many years ago. When I do face her, I am proud of her and I am becoming her friend once more!
ReplyDeleteIt’s so important to realize the hustle is not always your best choice. Leave some space to love yourself & never lose that friendship within your own soul. Its a long hard road to find her if you let her go to long❤️❤️❤️