2021 is Gonna Suck

Hey Party People,

2021 is gonna suck…. Yeah for you, if you already have that belief in your head. Have you already decided that next year is gonna suck? If so, check yourself and check yourself quick because if you hold onto that belief, it’s going to come true.

Why not decide, right now, today, that next year is going to be better than this one. 2021 is only a couple months away, we have ~60 days left in a year that has proven to us over and over again that we never know what is going to happen, that control is an illusion, and that our world is more interconnected than its ever been in our history. 

Close to the end of the year, around this time I like to take stock of what my goals and intentions were at the beginning of the year. Last year I remember I was in Cabo, strolling their white sand beaches solo as I evaluated by 2019, and set intentions for the next year, and next decade. I was excited for what was to come (and I remain excited about where life is taking me)

I don’t believe in New Year's resolutions, but rather I’ve committed to a practice of choosing 3 words that guide my year. For 2020, I shifted this practice once again and chose only one word, but also chose one goal, and dug into my why for each. So what did I set out for my 2020? Below is what I posted and shared on January 2, 2020.


MY WORD: Choice

MY GOAL: Run a Marathon

THE WHY: I chose this word because everyday I will be presented with choices, some harder than others. I will have other commitments to people, to work, to groups or programs I am committed to. But I have to be able to choose ME and my goals, over all of them if I am going to succeed. It means I might miss out on opportunities. I will experience FOMO. I will feel distance from some who I have less time to see. But MY choices will represent MY start to this decade.

Now I’ve chosen the goal of running a marathon because well...it scares me, and I honestly don’t know if I can do it. I know it will push my physical and mental limits but I want to prove to myself I am capable. I want to try. I’ve also chosen it because I am in total control of fulfilling it. Some of my future goals for this next decade will be harder and will take influence and outside support. But for 2020 I am working towards my inner strength and personal power. Let’s GO!!


How did I do? Well, I didn’t reach my goal of running a marathon, I didn’t even reach a half marathon. My body struggled with hip injuries, weak muscles, and pain that caused me to stop training twice in 6 months' time. I had to accept and lay heed to this goal because my body was not physically capable. Am I upset, or disappointed that I didn’t achieve this goal? In some ways yes, but in others no because I tried. Through these injuries, and attempts to reach these longer distances I learned how much I value running, how running acts as an escape and supports my mental health as much as my physical. Running became a gift, not a requirement in my life.

My word for 2020 could not have been better suited. I had put out this intention to help me with my physical goal of running a marathon knowing I would have to make nutritional changes, weekend choices to train rather than hang with friends. I was going to have to make choices to achieve this goal. How this word actually played out this year was less about running but more about mindset. My mindset was challenged during this pandemic in ways I didn’t expect and continues to be challenged as life happens.

A major lesson I continue to learn is that our mindset is a choice. Some days it’s easy to be happy and somedays it’s a freaking struggle. But I continue to make the choice over and over to fight for happiness and fight for joy because I will not let COVID win, and I will not let others decide how I show up in my life. Have you allowed other people, places, or things, to rule your life, make choices for you, or to control your mindset? If so, stop that right now. Stop letting everything around you control you.  

We have ~60 days left in 2020. Now is the perfect time to start setting yourself up for a better 2021. We don’t have to wait until a new year to start. We all know resolutions often fall flat because we don’t actually embrace these changes, or we pick something that “sounds good” but that we don’t actually care about achieving. Start thinking NOW and start showing up TODAY! What do you want 2021 to be like? Who do you want to be? How do you want to feel? Lets start living, breathing, and choosing the life we want.

Don’t decide 2021 is going to suck before it's even here. Decide instead what you want 2021 to bring and start showing up for that.


PAAARRRTY Jam time! Let’s get ready for 2021 Party People!             

          YouTube >>  High Hopes –Panic! At the Disco

          Spotify >> High Hopes –Panic! At the Disco

Thank you for spending your time with me, I’m thankful to be able to share my insights and encouragement with you.


P.S. Are you on the gram? Add me up and become one of my Party People! @theOnlySaraStepa


  1. I have heard this over & over & over, daily!!!! How bad the world is, how terrible COVID is, the weather sucks, Etc.etc. It gives me challenge each day to be positive, be happy, practice gratitude, self care/love, be proud of Florious ❤️
    My healing journey began last November 21,2019 To be exact! I can honestly look back on my past 12 months through 2020, & be so fricken proud. It was one of the most daring steps of courage I have ever taken. (With amazing support). I faced many dark days of acceptance, forgiveness of others, found a voice for myself along this journey. I have never been this afraid of life but took this leap of faith. I have also been Presented with health issues of people in my life, which in turn expected a lot of time & energy from myself. So it was extra important to take time for self care, reach out to my support people when I required it. Yes 2020 has been quite the year I agree but I believe we can all find lessons, beauty, love, in the life of 2020. Do I have anxiety? Some days yes I do. Some days angry with others/self, for sure.
    I know in my own heart ♥️ I am a better person & so much stronger than I have ever been. Soooo bring it on 2021! Let’s see what you have to offer moving forward.


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