Is it Bravery or Stupidity?
Hey Party People, As I concluded the final days of my role at my job, naturally I experienced many emotions. Some expected and some surprising, or maybe I was just avoiding them. I was excited I was scared I was exhilarated I was sad I was anxious Taking this step towards a new life, away from everything I know career-wise, gives me those fluttering butterflies. Those butterflies progressed from excitement to fear in my final days. With each person that sent me off with best wishes, and excitement to see where I end up, I began to feel these jolts of uncertainty. I thought, where will I end up, or what will my next step be? In making this decision early on – though it was agonizing, as I write about in “ What It Feels Like to Level Up ” – there was this inner knowing that I was going to be ok. As the decision became more and more real with each passing day those tiny little gremlins returned and my faith was being tested. Still is as I write this. By leaving I am...