Permission Slips

Hey Party People,

Today I want to give you permission. Permission to be everything you authentically are. We often push down our inner being and mold ourselves into a version we think others want or try to be someone we think we should be. Who you should be, is you.

When we were born we had no misgivings about who we were. We just were. You can see it in a baby as they gaze in awe and wonder at every discovery around them. You can see it in a toddler with their over-active and zealous imagination. During these early years, we have not yet been touched by the great influences around us telling us who we are. We are the original and most pure version of ourselves.  

I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately how we are born in our purest form but over time life takes its toll and we begin to craft insecurities and feelings of unworthiness about who we are. We strive to please or live up to the standards others lay before us. We craft new belief systems about ourselves and internalize the external opinions of others. Today I want to remind you of your purest form and give you permission to be everything you are.  

Because no one else can be you and no one else has your gifts. I encourage you today, this week, this month, this year even, to give yourself permission to be all of you.

Give yourself permission to own your feelings. You are entitled to the things you feel. You are not crazy or dramatic, you are human.

Give yourself permission to be flamboyant and loud. You do you boo!

Give yourself permission to take a risk. Playing small doesn’t serve the world.

Give yourself permission to rest. Recharge your mind, body, and soul. I promise you’ll be intensely more productive (and happier) with some inner nurturing.

Give yourself permission to love and be loved. Love those who might not deserve it right now (they probably need it), and receive the love others send your way, you are worthy of it.

Give yourself permission to forgive. Let go of the hurt and betrayal inflicted upon you. Letting go will serve you in unbelievable ways.

Give yourself permission to heal. You deserve to feel whole.

Give yourself permission to Dream. Dreaming is cheap but the returns are exponential, so dream without barriers.

Give yourself permission to Just Be. Shut down the email. Step away from the laundry. Turn off the notifications and get in tune with you.

Give yourself permission to accept your body, as it is right now. Breathe in acceptance, breathe out expectation.

Give yourself permission to cry. Yeah, those ugly tears – let them out!

And finally, after you wipe those tears give yourself permission to Be Happy! Do the things you love, get a little silly, and of course do a little dance!  

Here are a couple Party Jams for a little self love.

Slow Jam à Beauty in the Flaws – Sophia Scott

Hype Jam à Feelin’ Myself –, Miley Cyrus, French Montana

With Gratitude,


P.S. Did you miss last week's inspo? Lean in with a Little More Flow encourages you to approach life with a little more ease. If you are getting the inspiration you need from these weekly doses of love, please share with someone else who might appreciate it. 


  1. I truly resonate with this blog ! I have had a few moments over the past few weeks, of self doubt, not feeling worthy, do my words hold value for others, who AM I, or who do I think I am? I don’t have the education, the letters behind my name, the degree or certificate, the years of experience to lead in this field, all the things I thought I required to feel worthy of stepping into this role. BUT DO I really require this recognition, or designation, or Letters behind my name to be worthy of supporting others???? I truly thought it was a requirement and told myself to take a step back to reevaluate what I was doing, or do I hold enough value to stand in this role. I really don’t like that Mean Girl (ego) when I allow her to freaking talk so much. It is getting easier to recognize when I let her run wild and cause trouble, “AaHa” time to shut her down” 😜
    I went to bed feeling a bit overwhelmed after a meeting with all the partners in this group. We had to come up with a verbal resume about ourselves, who what where why kinda thing. Everyone had offerings, education, experience, etc, I felt I had nothing to offer, nothing to write down, nothing of value....
    So 3 am rolled around and it all came in very clear what my next steps were to be...
    I don’t require letters, certificates, degrees, experience in this field.....
    I have 60 plus years of experience of walking this road of life... I do get it, I do have experience....
    I can support with kindness, I can support with sharing, I can support with listening, I can support with my Heart ♥️ wide open. I do have value, I am worthy, I am just ME.
    I am ok with that, I have had many labels attached to myself for many many years. You know it almost feels freeing to just be ME.
    I truly feel I am right where I am supposed to be right now, in this moment. Why? I don’t know, and really don’t need to know. I just what to feel ok and fill my cup with a purpose that fills my heart ♥️ Which I think is right in front of me......


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