Are You Even Real?

Hey Party People,

Are you even being real?

Authenticity is one of my core values. It’s about living and breathing from a genuine place and not putting on a fake persona. Too often I think we act differently based on whose around us at the time, and even more often we are afraid to show our true selves, but why?  Part of it is because we don’t know who we are, or we aren’t confident enough in our own skin. I’ve had to sift through many different versions of me to realize the sum of those parts makes up my whole.

Authenticity is something I strive for in everything I do. It's not something that I do just sometimes, it's something that I strive to do all the time…And when I'm not being authentic I struggle. For those who have worked with me or are close to me they know I put my everything into .. well everything. It’s a blessing and a curse because I operate from a higher standard and mediocre and status quo are not acceptable line items in my life. To go further though, I know when I operate from a place of purpose rather than a to-do list my motivation is way higher, my work ethic is outstanding and the quality of my work increases exponentially.

Why do you think that is?

It’s because I’m working in line with my values, I’m working from a place of authenticity. Are you living your most authentic life and being real?

Being authentic is something we can practice both internally and externally. They actually go hand in hand. When we understand who we are inside we can show up better outside. When these do not align this is where you will struggle.

I think our jobs are a perfect example of this. We often believe that our jobs are only that, a job. But they can be more, they can fill us up inside. We settle for exactly what we think we deserve.

I often hear people say they hate their jobs, or their bosses are dumb, or that they don't like their team. Then here I am loving my team, my boss, and enjoying my job. And I think what is wrong with this picture? Why am I the only one that is happy in my job? I think so few people have a job they like because they don’t believe its possible but my friends I’m here to tell you your job can be more than just a pay cheque – but you have to believe it.

So how do you start living into what you want. Well have you ever stopped and asked yourself that question – what do I want? Start there. That is what’s going to lead you to your true self. You may even be surprised and realize the life you’re living has nothing to do with the things you value most. We change and people change, and its ok to realize your old life or current life isn’t what you want anymore. But we have to Be Brave enough, Bold enough and Confident enough to choose what we want. So stop pretending or dumbing yourself down so others don’t feel uncomfortable And just be REAL. You have a duty to shine your brightest light and be the best version of you, unapologetically.  

Once you’ve uncovered what you really want I want you to dive into what makes you unique. Everybody has different skills and things that make them special. I want you to make a list and write down everything about you that is unique. What makes you special? What have you experienced that others may not have? What skills do you have that others may not?

I recently did this exercise because I was feeling a little down on myself, and thinking I was no one special. But I am the only Sara Stepa and that does make me special. I just needed to dive into what makes me different and once I started putting those things down on paper they flooded out. No one else is like me and no one else is like you. Lean into those pieces that makes you different because that's your authentic self and that is what the world needs.

“Don’t ask what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do it, because what the world needs is people that come alive.” – Howard Thurman

Are you being real and your most authentic self or are you playing small? It’s time to show up in all of who you are this week and be proud of who that is.

Here’s your party jam for the week! A little J-Lo to get you moving!

YouTube >> Let’s Get Loud – Jennifer Lopez

Spotify >>  Let’s Get Loud – Jennifer Lopez   

Have a great week! If you like my posts check out the main page to subscribe! You’ll get inspo in your inbox every Monday! And Say hi on social party people!  

Instagram: @TheOnlySaraStepa

With so much gratitude,


