F*ck Fear

 Hey Party People!

How many things have you shied away from in your life because you were afraid? This could be a relationship you wanted but never went for. This could be a raise you thought you earned but didn’t request. This could be starting a business, writing a book, hosting a workshop, singing on stage, etc. This list of things people never did is endless and that makes me so sad. So many people have a passion, a dream, or desire but they never lean into them because they let fear decide.

Well I say F*uck Fear. 

Fear crushes more dreams than failure ever will.

It is often the biggest reason we don’t do something. Fear has its purpose, it's wired into us as humans to protect us from danger. But we are so cushioned in our lives that we believe we are not strong enough to overcome fear. This is a lie. We are all stronger than we think.

If you have not yet heard, I recently quit my job and it was one of the biggest and hardest decisions I ever made. I will be sharing more about this decision, why, and how it all went down at a later time, but the biggest hurdle I had to overcome was fear. I had to not only wrestle with my own demons, but I also had to tackle everyone else’s fear around me once they heard what I might be doing. But I knew the role I was in was no longer where I was supposed to be, and once I understood that there was no going back. But it didn’t make the decision any easier. It almost made it more difficult because I didn’t feel like I had any other choice if I wanted to be happy, I had to leave.

Happiness to me is what I’m seeking, and I know when people shy away from the things they are most afraid of, they are actually shying away from their own happiness. What if fear was actually a guide, telling us which direction we should go. I have learned over time that it is in fear, or confrontation of fear, that I grow, develop, and learn the most about myself. My motto – “if it scares you, go do it.” And no, its not easy, its hard as hell, but it always keeps things interesting πŸ˜‰

For you the reason you are scared will come in many forms, but the major reasons you will shy away from fear is because of potential failure, but even more so you will fear what others will think. I’ve already talked about Other People’s Opinions (so go back and read that if you need a reminder, hint, they don’t matter!). Instead of letting fear rule your life with a belief of failure, try to consider the belief that you just might succeed. That all you can do is try but if you don’t try you will never know. This was one of my biggest driving forces. I didn’t want to give up the feeling, the heart nudge pulling me in a new direction. I want to find out what it is, but I had to overcome some big ass fears before I could take the first step in the direction of discovery.

So, I urge you to stretch, and lean into your fears. Believe it is possible. It is easy to accept that this is all there is, what you have is good enough. But is it that you truly want? Could you believe in something bigger or different for yourself? Of course, you can!! We are trained so damn well to accept what we have and that we should just be grateful. It's not selfish to want more or to want something different. Only you know what truly makes you happy, and what your deepest desires are. I say it again – F*ck Fear! Fear left unchecked will creep in and control your life at a deeper and deeper level. Do not give it that power, instead Dream without barriers and just start with the idea that you CAN. I believe in you even if you don’t just yet.


Here’s a party jam to make you believe in yourself and just imagine what might be possible!!

YouTube –  Just Imagine It – MKTO

Spotify – Just Imagine It - MKTO

And hey if you’re on the gram, look me up @TheOnlySaraStepa. You can get bits of inspo coming at you through the week from my stories. And if you find these posts inspiring, the best thing you can do for me is to share with someone else. Maybe they will be inspired just like you 😊

With so much gratitude,



  1. Fear..... I believe I have lived with some type of fear for so many years, I don’t even know how to live any other way.... fear of learning something new...fear of speaking my truth.... fear of not being enough.... fear of being alone... fear of failure....fear of feeling ME..... fear of doing it alone... It made me miserable πŸ˜–, unhappy, angry, resentful, always struggling to find that happy place in my life....I always just did what others wanted to do... even if I voiced my opinion or my ideas, I never felt it had much weight to it and didn’t really change how things were going to go. I just stopped talking, voicing, asking, telling, requesting....and so the spiral of living in a dark place became normal.
    (Unless it was about my kids, I stood my ground & never will back down)
    Mama BearπŸ’•
    One day life presented me with a choice of finding who I was... I did make the choice to dive in and do whatever it took to climb back up... It was scary AF at times, it was uncomfortable, and had many tears attached to the journey. But so worth every fear, and uncomfortable moment I faced.... Now as I move forward in life I kinda like the little bit of fear, it gets your heart pumping and a fire in your soul . I’m on to the next chapter in my life, with new opportunities being presented, which is scary, and new choices that I will make moving forward. I’m not sure where life is going to go but I do know I am going to make choices for myself and my happiness moving forward. Even if it scares the F out of me. What’s the worst that can happen????


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