Monday Morning Mindset

Hey Party People!

It has been awhile since I’ve talked about mindset. Our mindset is so key to how we approach life. It determines how we perceive our worth, how we approach challenges, and how we carry ourselves throughout the day. I believe our mindset is key to a happy life.

Let’s use a simple example – Monday Morning. How do you feel about Monday and what thoughts run through your head when the day approaches and begins?

If you’re in a positive mindset you will be excited that a new week is coming up and are probably looking forward to what’s coming up. Your morning will feel fluid and start easily and you’ll feel ready for the week!

If you’re in a negative mindset you likely dread Mondays and dread them something fierce. It might even ruin the end of your weekend as you stress or dread the Monday morning coming up.

Of course there is a middle ground to this too where Monday’s are just another day, you go through the motions, and do what you gotta do.

So which mindset do you adopt when it comes to Monday morning? Are you excited? Do you loathe Mondays? Or are you neutral and just feel meh? Now, how do you want to feel? Mindset is a choice my friends and sometimes we have to work a little harder to create the reality that brings us the joy we want. The first step to making that happen is believing it’s possible.

I think we get stuck in a pre-set pattern of beliefs and get used to feeling a certain and often crappy way. We don’t know we’re unhappy or that we’re stuck in a rut because we forget what happy really feels like. We don’t know our relationship is slipping because we forget that we are deserving of love. We don’t know our job is unfulfilling because we forget that it’s supposed to be.  We get stuck in a belief that this is how it’s supposed to be, it becomes the default setting and that default setting is not one of joy or fulfillment. Why do we settle for average and accept the daily struggle like it's unchangeable? You have control of your own life and you have the power to change it. But you have to be the one to take that step, no one else can do it for you.

So I challenge you to start with your mindset and your Monday morning. What get’s you excited and how can you bring that into your Monday. Ideally, I want to get you to a place where each aspect of your day brings you joy – your job, your relationships, your home, etc. But for now, we are going to start simple, with one piece of your week - Monday morning.

If you’re still working from home I imagine some of the perks have worn off, your habits have slipped, and your routine is a bit off-kilter. There are simple things you can do on your Monday morning to start your week off on a good note.

1.    GET DRESSED! Yes, get out of your damn pajamas people. No sweats, no leggings, no more. Get dressed in a way that makes you feel good – it’s likely not how you used to dress going to the office, so dress how you feel good. And some people will say, but my sweats feel good! I bet they do, but do you really feel good, or do you feel frumpy? Are they the only pants that fit? Consider that part too, and if you feel bomb in your leggings – rock that shit.

2.    PARTY JAMS. Music is freaking key for me, and I know it’s gotta help you as well. While you’re getting ready (because now you’re taking that extra time to get ready) throw on your favourite throwbacks, your Top 20 of 2020, Miley’s new album. Whatever your jam is, rock it out!

3.    GET SOME FRESH AIR. Holy shit, for those of you working from home, if you are not getting out of your house at least once a day you’re contributing to your own detriment. You need to see the outside world and get out of the confining walls of your house, basement or apartment.

We’ve been doing this work from home thing for a while and I know it’s easy to slip into more casual attire and loosen up our habits. That’s ok, it happens, but how are you feeling mentally? Feeling good, energetic, and happy? Or are you feeling a bit down, heavy, and unmotivated? You can feel better and you don’t have to wait until the pandemic is over. You have to stop waiting for something to change and instead make the choice to change. You are the one in the position to make changes that make you feel better. The power of change is within you. Your life, your choice, your mindset. Don’t get stuck in autopilot and make the changes to start your Monday off on a better note.  I believe in you, you got this! Have a great week ahead.


Here’s a party jam you can use to pump up your Monday morning! Hello Pointer Sisters!

YouTube – I’m So Excited – The Pointer Sisters

Spotify - I’m So Excited – The Pointer Sisters


With so much gratitude,


P.S.  If you’re on social hit me up @TheOnlySaraStepa on Instagram and get personal bits of inspo to get you through each and every week.


  1. Mindset, Hmmm!!! I have done a lot of personal inner searching, reflection, growth, finding who the F I AM, this past year. It has been a journey of twist & turns, ups and downs, excitement, Joy, gratitude, sadness, anger, fear, every emotion in the book. When you are lost for a long time it takes some grunt work to find your way again, as you kinda forget how to stand alone on your feet. MINDSET is huge moving forward each and everyday as outside influences can at times make you choose a different mindset of the day, week, or month. When you can come from a place of wholeness within yourself, it is sooooo much easier to begin each day in a positive and productive way. Even when we falter from time to time, dust yourself off, use your tools, and get back in the game. The Game you choose to play, nobody else’s game. That is their game to play not yours. 😊♥️


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