10 Things I'm Doing To Stay Positive

Hey Party People,

If you follow me on social media, you know that yesterday was a hard day. Emotions I had been ignoring or not fully acknowledging bubbled to the surface something fierce. They were rooted in deep feelings of unworthiness, and self-doubt, and the real impacts COVID is having on my life. I was slapped right in the face with it all.
I won’t go on about that, but I wanted to share 10 Things I’m Doing to Stay Positive. I wrote these for my work team after the first week of us all working remotely and I’m sharing these now for you and as a reminder for myself.
1.  KEEPING MY ROUTINE. We as humans like and need routine and certainty. In a time of UNcertainty I’m doing my best to keep some of my routines to help me feel “normal.” I still set my alarm, I make myself breakfast, read my personal growth books, put on my make-up and straighten my hair, etc. … EACH MORNING. If I didn’t follow these steps there are days I KNOW I would just stay in bed. The snooze has gotten some extra play lately… 

2. SUPPORTING LOCAL. I know we’re scared of interacting and are trying to reduce our exposure everywhere possible, so do what you are comfortable with. For me, I’m comfortable with entering a coffee shop, or ordering from Skip. While I can I want to try and support some of my fav spots and cafes where I can. They don’t have the same benefit as some of us to work remotely. 
Friends of mine have started #TakeOutTuesday to support our small business and restaurant owners. Come Tuesday next week I'm ordering me some takeout! Anyone want to Zoom and enjoy some tacos and margaritas? 

3.  GRATITUDE. For the past… maybe 9 months I’ve kept a daily gratitude journal where I write down 3-10 things that I am grateful for each day. During this crazy time, I now post it to social media so others can see my practice in real time. If you give this a try know that when I first started this practice, I actually found it quite challenging... because the idea is not to identify big things like friends, or family, or your home. It’s the everyday things that put a smile on your face. Like that first sip of morning coffee, your kid laughing, or the sun shining!

4.    CHOOSING MY PERSPECTIVE. Every day has been different for me and the emotions I feel. I could start off good and end low. Or start off low and feel better after connecting with friends or family or be like yesterday and completely dive into the deep end. But I constantly am reminding myself I have the power to choose my perspective or trying to shift it in those hard moments. Its not easy you guys, but it matters and I’m going to keep doing my best to choose positivity and gratitude each day!

5. DANCE PARTIES ON THE HOUR. Well maybe not on the hour but I do pump the jams at LEAST 2 or 3 times a day and get up and move, even if I don’t feel like it. It lifts my mood just to hear the music, sing-along and shake it all about! I disturb Bodhi’s naps, but he’s dealing with it. 

6.  STAYING PRESENT. This might not be over as soon as we would like but it will pass, and I truly believe we will get through this. I trying to stay present and not get caught up in 2, 4, 6, weeks from now because we don’t know what will come. This is also adding to other challenges because I’m a planner you guys and I don’t feel like I can plan anything. It’s a major shift in how I view and operate my day to day. But day by day I try.

7.  STAYING ACTIVE. I always always feel better after a walk, after a dance party, after a workout, or after a run. It lifts my mood, makes me feel healthier and gives me more energy. When we’re stuck inside all day, we don’t quite realize how inactive we are… I mean our desk jobs are already pretty sedentary, working from home probably reduces our basic activities even more. So, keep moving or get moving! ;)

8. CHOOSING MY MEDIA.  It’s really easy to get caught up in the news and media right now and all the doom and gloom. So, for me I’m choosing to stay informed, but then I flood my social media feed with positive accounts. If the news is too much for you, DON’T WATCH IT. Maybe all you need right now is cat memes or race cars. Fill your feed with accounts and things that serve you, not hinder you.

9. HABITS. HABITS. HABITS. It's SUPER easy to get in the dumps and think we don’t have to set the alarm, or shower, or drink water, or cook dinner but it does y ’all!! Junk food and alcohol sales have sky-rocketed… people are coping with this crisis with these vices. Now don’t get me wrong I have mini eggs and wine to keep me company when things get tough (yesterday is case and point!) But GENERALLY, I’m choosing or trying other things to engage my brain – journaling, music, books, playing with my cat Bodhi, calling friends. These choices and habits are helping me get through.

10. HEALTHY FOODS AND HEALTHY CHOICES. I’m a bit meal prepper… and I know I know not everyone cares about food prep planning. But this is the best way I know how to keep my food choices healthy. To the point above, junk food and fast food will take a toll not only on our bodies but on our minds – we get SLUGGISH! So I’m trying to keep healthy foods in my day to day life and support my immune system. I’ll admit this habit has been harder for me to keep because I think I’m home all day I can just throw something together. It’s not good for me, because I make poor choices, so planning my meals helps. For you it might be actually cooking and trying out new recipes or cooking with your family or partner or maybe you make a giant vat of soup or spaghetti sauce. There are some perks to being home, let’s take advantage

Time for your party jam, a little throwback!

Also friends, I added a subscribe button to the main page of the blog. If you enjoy these posts and they are helping you through sign-up and you’ll get an email when I post next. 😊

With so much gratitude,


P.S. Follow me on social for live messages and positive media!
Instagram: @mssarastepa
Facebook: @SaraStepa


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