When Do I Get My Life Back?

Hey Party People,
Who else is hearing or maybe even thinking these questions?

“When do I get my life back?”

“When are things going to go back to normal?”

Well friends, I hate to tell you…this is now your life. Normal as we know it, isn’t coming back. I know that is hard to read but our lives are no longer and will never be what we once knew. The world has changed, our communities have changed, and we as individuals have been changed.

I’ll give you a couple examples. How many of you now think twice before touching your face or a door handle? Do you picture a “green goo” on every public surface? Who else has noticed that when you’re in the grocery store we not only physically distance but we stopped even looking people in the eye?! Like c’mon eye contact doesn’t transfer the virus! And let’s just talk about TP for a second… who else thought 2 months ago that TP would give you anxiety. Toilet paper you guys!

The point is… we have ALREADY been changed.

I heard a quote this week from, yes you guessed it, Rachel Hollis (if you don’t know who she is, stop right now and go look her up). It’s an enlightened way to approach how we get to the other side of this virus and the new world we will live in.  

“The faster you can come to terms with this [our current reality], the faster you can let go of what was [your old life], and the sooner you will find joy in what is [and can be].”

But before we can move forward, we must grieve. I’ve been hearing a lot about the process of grieving this past week and it makes so much sense. All of us have lost something, and many of you have lost what feels like everything. We all need to grieve what we’ve lost in this season. Take the time you need, however long that is, take it. But then when you’re ready, get back up. Don’t allow “the corona” to win. Things will only get better once our minds shift, our perspectives change, and we are ready to make it better. It will be hard. For those of you who watched our Premier, Jason Kenny’s addresses and press conference this week, he has painted a bleak economic picture for Alberta on the other side of COVID-19, comparing our future to the Great Depression. But his message was also one of hope and resilience that we’ve made it through hardships before and we will make it through again.

So now, right now it’s time to look for hope and look for joy. Yes, even when you’ve spent the entire day in bed. Yes, even after you’ve just been let go from your job. Yes, even after your eyes are puffy and red from crying. Yes, even after you’ve washed your hands for the 17th time today. Yes, RIGHT NOW we need to find hope and joy more than ever. At first, I struggled with this concept and felt guilty. I felt like joy didn’t have a place when there is so much suffering and hardship in so many people’s lives. But then I thought about it more and came to the realization that we NEED joy, and we need positivity. In order to get us through this season, and what’s to come, we need to create light to get us through the storm.

We need our best selves to show up now, to get through our public health crisis, and then we need our best selves to show up for what comes next. We need people to be and stay healthy – what state do you think our public health system will be in when this is over? We will need new and bold perspectives to create innovative solutions to our new challenges. We will need collaboration and partnerships like never before, across all industries. We will need community to support each other through the trauma of this experience. If you can, stand back up, and lead us through this crazy storm we are in and be the light after it settles.

The world has changed, and we have all been changed. But something I’ve always believed is - if we ain’t changin’, we ain’t growin’.

AAAAAAND with that here’s your party jam!

**CAUTION** THIS IS AN EXPLICIT SONG! Not for the little one’s ears.

It would mean so much to me if you connected with me on social. Say hi and let’s connect 😊
Instagram: @mssarastepa
Facebook: @SaraStepa

With so much gratitude,


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