Believe in Magic

Hey Party People,
As a kid what did you want to be when you grew up? Do you remember what your biggest daydreams were?
Thinking back to those days I find it fascinating that as kids we believed that anything was possible. We hadn’t yet failed and the possibilities seem endless. At what point did that change? When did we stop believing in magic?
I was talking to a friend the other day about goals and dreams for ourselves. Sometimes it's hard to envision what’s possible, and we often limit our way of thinking. He said to me we can’t create the vision for ourselves, someone else has to create it for us. My initial gut reaction was, no that’s not true at all. We have to be the creators of our own world. We have to set our goals and intentions.
I think we were both right.
Up until a few years ago, I did not see my potential. I did not see my skills growing, I was living the status quo in my day-job in the non-profit world. I loved my job (and still do), but I was content in the confines of the boundaries I set for myself. Until my boss, CEO, and now mentor started encouraging me to be more and believed I could aspire to be a great leader. She saw and nurtured a potential I didn’t see in myself. You mean I could be a CEO of a non-profit one day? You mean I could join a board and impact another organization? You mean I could manage and lead people – say what?
It wasn’t until a new possibility was shared with me that I believed more was possible. I couldn’t begin growing into that role or that person until the idea was shared. Now there are two key pieces to this working and where I somewhat disagreed with my friend. First, you have to want the vision someone else lays out for you.  They can plant the seeds of your potential and possibility, but you’re the one that has to go out and work for it. Their vision for you might challenge what you thought life could be (which is the point), but it still has to align with who you are and what you want for you. I think the vision someone else presents to you has to light a fire in your heart, you have to want it, otherwise, you will never achieve it.
Second, you have to believe it's possible. Not just believe its possible, but believe its possible for YOU. There’s a big difference between those two beliefs. When we see others in the roles we want or aspire to we think ok they did it, so it is possible. But flip it and ask yourself, “is that possible for me?” Now do not let those Tiny Little Gremlins answer this question for you. Too often we are our own worst critics and are quick to doubt ourselves. We believe that others have something we don’t. I’m going to let you in on a little secret, they don’t. They just went for it. So when you ask yourself, “is that possible for me?” the answer is, without a doubt…YES!! 

YES.      YES.      YES.

Give yourself the dang chance to go for it. No one is ever prepared or fully equipped when they first start, but if you want it and believe it then go for it. You will become prepared along the way and learn through experience. Start asking for opportunities that will help you get to where you want to be. Make sure it’s the life you want and go for it! When you question if it's possible for you, squash those limiting beliefs and believe in yourself.
When I began setting BIG goals for myself at the beginning of 2020, goals so big I can barely say them out loud, I constantly question if its right, or possible. I doubt myself more often than I believe, but those moments where I believe, I have such a clear vision. I hold onto those moments of clarity and think if not me, then who? If not now, then when?

Start believing in magic again and all the possibilities that come with it.

Here’s your party jam to remind you that you can have it all.
YouTube >>  Katy Perry – Daisies
Spotify >>  Katy Perry – Daisies

Have a beautiful day, week, or weekend whenever you read this. And if you like my posts, subscribe on the main page and share with someone else who would enjoy 😊

And say hi on social!  

Instagram: @TheOnlySaraStepa
Facebook: @SaraStepa

With so much gratitude,



  1. Love this blog❤️ It is all so true. You do have to believe in yourself, want it for yourself, & feel that passion whatever it is! It may not always look like what you envisioned but go with the flow. Life is never a straight line & there will be lessons to learn on the journey. Embrace all the lessons & learn from them. BELIEVE ❤️ It is possible


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