Ask Yourself Why

Hey Party People,

Man 2020 has been one for the books, hasn’t it? Who else remembers or felt ready to take on this next decade? Well, the universe had something else in store for us (or maybe it’s even happening for us). Not only are we confronted with a global pandemic but also with the harsh realities of racism in our world, watching a man take his last breath on film.
If any of you are like me, you’re feeling the FEELS, or maybe you are feeling numb. For me it’s a time wherein one day I might feel a whole swack of emotions from guilt, to anger, to frustration, to worry, to gratitude, to happiness. It’s a whirlwind -anyone else?! If we don’t know why these emotions are popping up or why we’re even feeling them in the first place it can be incredibly overwhelming, especially if we don’t know ourselves very well.
So, how can you get to know yourself and your emotions better?
Write them down. Write down the stuff that is popping up for you and the emotions that comes along with it. You don’t have to sit and journal it out at length, you can simply create a note in your phone and jot down the things that pop up throughout your day. Did something trigger you? Was someone more annoying than usual? Were you feeling bubbly and happy? Whatever it is you feel, make a note. It might shed some light on the low points of your day or the times where you are most uplifted. It will help you pay attention and better understand yourself.
Our emotions are signals and once you begin to pay more attention to your emotions and the moments when they pop up, you will begin to have a better understanding of what they mean. We are taught not to feel all the emotions on the spectrum, but to instead reach for happiness. Happiness or joy is the goal, always. But that’s just not realistic. Reach for those moments but notice where else you spend your time, and how you feel, and why.
As I went through last week and my weekend, I was struggling to find a balance in my emotions and struggling to focus my energy. I could have easily shifted my attention to the “good stuff.” Over the past 12-18 months I’ve been training my mind to think and see the positives in life around me and training myself to process or push away the negatives faster. I can do that, but this past week(end) I didn’t want to brush away the emotions I felt as I was experienced my “Unveiling”. (If you don’t know what I’m speaking to, jump back to my previous post). I didn’t want to ignore the emotional upheaval happening in my mind and body, so I began to look deeper into why. Why was I feeling these emotions? Why was I reacting in this way?
My intention is not to walk you through my emotional discovery but to instead ask you how often you reflect on your own feelings. When you get angry at a situation or circumstance do you ever wonder why? When you feel over-joyed by an event, do you ever stop and ask why? When you are feeling down for no “real” reason, do you EVER wonder why?
Humans are creatures of habit. We get so accustomed to our lives we forget we are the creators of our own life. We forget we can choose what we want to do, where we want to go, and who we want to be. I’ve started asking myself the question, “why?” more times than I can count and I’m beginning to apply it to every decision and experience in my life.

Why do I work where I do?
Why do I like to run?
Why do I do a gratitude practice?
Why did I want to eat everything in my house tonight?
Why am I feeling disconnected today?
Why do I feel such a strong response to the BLM movement?
Why is my focus so scattered?
Why do I write this blog?
Why. Why. Why.

By asking ourselves the why behind our actions and feelings we can begin to understand ourselves better. When we understand ourselves better, we give ourselves a better opportunity to create the lives we want. We can be more intentional with our time, our words, our money, our effort, and our attitude. Do you not think you would be happier if you understood what made you tick, or what made you excited? If you knew how to choose your friends, your job and your hobbies based on what brought you the most happiness, would you not do it?
You might think you already do this, make choices based on happiness, but I guarantee you, most often we don’t make choices for ourselves. Why, because that would be “selfish”. Instead, we make choices for other people. We make choices out of shame, guilt, or fear. Sometimes we might just believe we don’t have another choice. Obviously, our choices have different implications in different circumstances, and we can’t always choose what would make us happiest. But if we began to understand ourselves better, and believe that our happiness matters too, we will be able to make decisions that can help move us toward a happier and more intentional life.
Once you begin understanding your emotions and asking yourself why you will begin to understand your values and what’s important to you. By understanding the intentions behind your actions, you will begin to understand yourself in a different way. I guarantee you will be both surprised and comforted by the answers that arise. So, write down your emotions throughout the day, ask why, and let these answers become the signals that guide you.

Here’s your party jam for the week.

I wish you an intentional week ahead and hey give me a follow while you’ll scrolling.

Instagram: @TheOnlySaraStepa
Facebook: @SaraStepa

With so much gratitude,

