Stop Doing Sh*t You Hate
Hey Party People,
You shouldn’t feel obligated to do what society tells you, in fact, you shouldn’t
do it at all. Here’s why.
We have begun to curate a follower society, a space where being the same
is nurtured, and being different is frowned upon. There are a number of social
media nuances to this idea of a follower society but this isn’t something just caused
by technology, its exacerbated by our own discomfort with difference.
Think about it, can you think about a time where you had a differing opinion
but kept it to yourself because you didn’t want to offend anyone. Or a time where
you didn’t wear a particular outfit, or cut your hair a certain way because you
were told, or maybe just felt, it was a little “out there.” Or maybe there was a
time when you were super excited about an idea or awesome thing you wanted to
do, and others scoffed. This happens way to often and it has slowly chipped
away at our confidence to be different. We are fearful that others might not like
us, so we begin doing everything we can just to fit in.
A follower society squashes our differences and slowly chips away at
what makes us unique. And we are ALL unique, we all have our special gifts and
talents, tendencies and personality traits, but when we are berated with judgments,
we feel like we have to change ourselves just to fit in. We become caged and
limited in our abilities because we’re
told to fit in the same box. But what if I don’t want to fit in the same box? What if I want to live without
defined boundaries? What if we all gave ourselves just a little more freedom to
step outside the box, stopped being a follower and started being exactly who we
were meant to be à YOU.
When I was a little girl I remembering being quite the free spirit. I wanted
to run and play, always. I was even too busy to come home long enough to pee,
so yes I would pee my pants and keep on playing. My mom used to say, “people
aren’t going to want to play with you in pee pants, you should come home when
you have to pee.” My response, “I’m too busy.” Clearly too busy living my best
life, running wild and free.
When did I start to lose that confidence? (Yes, I realize peeing your
pants as a child is something we ought to grow out of but stick with me here.) That little girl was focused on living with freedom, a desire to run free, and to
play with curiosity. But I began to lose that when I started to take to heart what others thought of me and what others said. I began to get bullied (and no
it wasn’t for wearing pee pants), and it changed me forever.
Now as an adult I still carry the weight of those opinions and how they
affected me. Over time I’ve built up a resistance to others' opinions and
began to live my life from a space of personal fulfillment rather than from what others
thought of me. Now I resist the status quo. It’s not that I’ve become defiant
or a rebel, but instead, I choose personal fulfillment over other’s expectations.
This is challenging to do, especially if you are a people pleaser, have never
quite figured out who you are, or if you thrive on validation from others. And
society doesn’t help. Society squashes the behaviours that make us different.
The unfortunate part is when we allow others or "society" to push
down our personal opinions we become an unauthentic version of
ourselves. We become unhappy. We are reduced to only a small version of who we
are, caged and confined to the same box built by others. We aren’t living in
our fullest capacity. But I’m here to tell you, the world needs you in FULL, not in partitions.
So begin to explore who you are, alive and in full colour because the
world needs more people like that. Take the time to uncover the pieces of you
that have been buried by others' opinions and a society that wants you to fit a
specific mould. Begin asking more questions, of yourself and of others. Try being
that little toddler version of yourself again, you know the one that asks, “why?” after just about everything. Get
annoying, get disruptive, and stop doing shit you hate and start doing shit you love.
Lean into the parts you’ve been hiding and unleash the wildness inside of you.
In the words of Glennon Doyle, you are
a god damn cheetah. Give yourself permission to be free and live without
Here’s your party jam to remind you
that you can have it all.
YouTube >> Cam – Want It All
>> Cam –
Want It All
Have a great week! If you like my posts, please share with someone else who might as
well 😊 and Say hi on
With so much gratitude,
I loved that little free spirit girl, so full of wonder to explore whatever came along (even with pee pants). I know comments from others Throughout life shape & mold our self beliefs. Even if they were from people that truly loved you & wanted the best for you. I was also a very free little girl on that old farm & loved nothing more than catching grasshoppers or butterflies. I always knew in my heart I wanted to serve others, but not really knowing how. I was told I was too emotional, kind hearted, not strong enough to be a councillor, social worker, physiologist where I thought I could support the most vulnerable. I believed this so I gave that desire away. But all these years later I still have that strong desire to support or serve others to find & be their best self. I’m on my own journey of serving myself & finding my buried soul! When all is found it will become clear.
ReplyDeleteSo please believe your heart ♥️ & follow those dreams without regret