Words Create Worlds

Hey Party People,

Its often said that knowledge is power but I’ve always been a strong believer in the power of words and the influence of language. What I also believe to be true is that words carry energy. The words we choose and how we deliver them will change how the message can influence the receiver of those words. Language matters and our words create our world.

Some may argue that our views and perceptions shape our world, but I think it begins much earlier than that and stems from the words we say to ourselves, the words that we think. Our lived experience is a continuous progression of the words we hear and the words we say in our head all day long. The words we also hear from our parents, words from our friends, from childhood bullies, from partners, ex’s, co-workers and anyone else in your life will play a factor in how your the world is shaped. We can’t control what others say but we can control how we speak to ourselves.

The inner dialogue that plays in our minds has a major influence on how we will show up in our lives. It will impact our physical energy, our body language, the octave of our voice, and what we attract into our life. The words we choose to say to ourselves are more important than we know because unfortunately, we are our own worst critic, and we need to shut that voice down. We need to replace it with what we want and what we desire. Start saying, “I can,” instead of, “I can’t.”

Take notice of the words you use with yourself, and the words that play on repeat in your mind. How do they affect you and make you feel? Its so important to gain control of our thoughts, it can change everything. You will be changed if you begin choosing kinder words, more encouraging words, and giving yourself the love you deserve. Changing these words can change your world.

This is what I mean. Consider the energy behind the following words. How do they make you feel reading them?


Now consider the energy behind these words. How do they make you feel reading them?


Now lets go one step further and consider the energy behind these words. How do they make you feel reading them?


You’ll notice these word clusters carry different energies and influence how we feel when we see, read, or hear them. When we use language of different frequencies it impacts how we move through and experience our world. Our Words Create our Worlds. So I have a mini exercise for you. I want you to describe someone in your life in five words. Choose someone close to you, a best friend, your partner, etc. Write each word down and leave a space next to it.


Would you consider these low, medium, or high frequency words? Write the energy level next to the five words you chose.

Now do this same exercise to describe yourself. Choose five words that describe you and once done, add the energy level you would associate with each word.

How are the words you chose to describe your best friend different from the words you chose to describe yourself? How did you feel choosing words for them, vs choosing words for yourself?

I am going to guess that the words you wrote down for your best friend were high energy, positive, and full of light. Now on the other hand, were the words you wrote for yourself less positive, energetic, and heavier? Why do you think that is? It’s unfortunate but we rarely believe or see the best in ourselves like we see in others. We fail to see our best qualities, and we will use words that don’t truthfully depict our best qualities. So this week let’s try and change that!  


For the week ahead pay attention to how you’re talking to yourself. What words light you up, what words bring you down and see if you can make shifts happen. If that seems to easy come up with a power statement to start each day with strong high-frequency words. I’ll be trying out some new ones I just crafted for myself. One of my favs is…

I am alive and free and the ONLY Sara Stepa

Overtime I promise you will begin to see shifts in how you feel and what you attract into your life when you choose words that reflect the world in which you want to live. The universe is always listening and it hears not what we say but what we truly feel.

Your words create your world. Choose wisely.

Here’s your party jam!

YouTube >>  Be Kool – Embody, Bailey, Marco Foster

Spotify >>  Be Kool – Embody, Bailey, Marco Foster


Have a great week! If you like my posts, please share with someone else who might as well 😊 and come find me on Insta! >> @TheOnlySaraStepa


With so much gratitude,




  1. Loved the blog! I have been on a journey this year to find the person I once was or to maybe peel back the many layers of years of self sabotage. After months of coaching, I realized I showed up for others all the time but rarely showed up for myself! I wasn’t kind or compassionate with myself. I believe I was never enough because that is what I heard! I know in my heart I am a beautiful soul & my purpose is to serve, but i need to heal myself first! I deserve the respect & love from within my own heart that I so freely give to others.
    It is so true that you are what you believe & tell yourself. So change that inner dialogue is a step to a new shift in your life ♥️♥️


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