Shut Down Your Critic
Hey Party People!
Why is it that our minds CONSTANTLY
tell us we can’t do something? Our egos, those inner voices, dem tiny little gremlins
that constantly creep in and drag us down. We are our own worst critic, we talk
ourselves out of everything. WHY?!
I am in the beginnings of my writing journey
and I want this to become something real, I want to grow and build an income
and a life through writing and sharing and connecting with you. I want to write
books and share my experiences and help others change the way they approach life.
But every DANG DAY my mind tells me I shouldn’t. My mind tells me that I should
just accept what I have. I have an AMAZING life, you guys. I have a phenomenal
job, with a great boss and a great income. Job security is not a fear I have. Financial
stress is not something I have to live through. I have the ability to travel
and live the life I want. So why do I want to change it….
This is what my brain does… it tries to trick me into believing that I am not enough to want more, or that I am ungrateful for the life I have. Truth is, neither of those is true. But I ask myself, or rather my ego asks, “Why would I want something different? Why would you move away from or seek something different when you are safe, secure, and happy? Why would you even consider giving it up for something else, something else that has no guarantee? A different dream or life that you have no idea if it will give you what you want or desire. Why don’t you just accept and feel grateful for what you have?” These thoughts come through my head on the daily.
us into accepting the status quo or makes you feel guilty for wanting something
more or scared to try something different. This can also happen if your status quo
is shit. If you’re having a shitty time in life right now, watch how you talk yourself
into accepting this life. Believing that this is what you deserve or refusing
to believe you can change it or make a different choice. For me seeking something
different or bigger than what I already have is freaking scary because there is
no guarantee it will be better, or different, or what I dream it could be. But
there is beauty in not having all the answers and there is possibility in the
unknown. Why can’t we just trust…
What I do know is that if I don’t try I
would regret it. If I don’t listen to that calling on my heart, the energy that
fires me up, the happiness I feel when I write, I am doing not only myself a
disservice but the world and so are you if you are staying put, and staying
safe. If YOU don’t try and make a change or go after a life you want you will
also live with regrets. I don’t generally believe in regrets but I know if I
stopped now, if I decided to accept “the good life” I have and not strive for
what’s on my heart I would regret not trying. I would regret not believing in
myself. I would be freaking pissed at letting my ego win and talk me out of the
biggest, clearest, and scariest ideas I have ever had for myself.
It's driving me freaking nuts that every day I have to fight the damn thoughts that creep into my mind that say just stay
where you’re at. The biggest temptation of just staying where I am is that it
would be easier. Choosing to stay in this space, this life, wouldn’t be bad,
it would be quite comfortable I think. But the easy choice isn’t always the
right choice. If we always choose the easy way out, the path most traveled, or
the future we are taught to strive for, instead of DREAMING into everything we wanted
we’re not living up to our full potential. We are just accepting and breeding the
status quo. Who wants to be the freaking same as everyone else? So why don’t we
Dare to be different, Dare to dream and Dare to believe it is possible.
I am fighting through EVERY dang
thought. Every tiny gremlin that pops into my head that says its just easier to
stay where I am. I am rallying my own tiny warriors and fighting back. It would
be easy to just stay where I’m at, but it's no longer what fires me up, so I am
going to try. Who am I to want more, who am I to not?! I am deserving of the
life I choose to settle for and I will not settle. I haven’t yet and now that I
can see and dream a different life for me, I will not give that up. I sure as
shit hope this fires you up to feel the same!
**I learned this little trick at Rachel
Hollis’s Rise Live conference in Toronto (days before quarantine hit) to give
that little voice in your head a name. The voice that talks you down, that
tells you you’re not enough. The tricks goes like this. - Picture the worst
human you can imagine, someone that is smelly, and unclean, and is so incredibly
rude, that if you heard them saying any of the things you say to yourself to
your mom or your best friend you would be stepping in….. oh hell no! you do
not talk to my <insert special person here> like that!
Give that voice in your head a name, and
when that voice pops up, you’ll be able to recognize that it’s not you talking,
it's not your best self, it's that nasty and rude voice that you are no longer
going to take crap from moving forward. If you didn’t get it from above, I named
my inner nagging voice, Bertha. So when I’m having a time and feeling down, I
have to recognize when it’s no longer Sara talking, its Bertha, and I get to dismiss
Bertha, any time I damn well please.
everyday I am dreaming and believing in MY BEST LIFE.
AAnnnnd here’s your Party
Jam for this week! Don’t let those haters inside your head bring you down!
YouTube >> Haterz
– Todrick Hall
Spotify >> Haterz – Todrick Hall
on all the social media channels so look me up and say hi 😊
Instagram: @mssarastepa
Facebook: @SaraStepa
With so much gratitude,
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