Your Calling

Hey Party People,
Your Purpose. Your Dream. Your Calling.
What are your heart and soul calling you to do?
Since you were a young child have you had a vision or dream of who you wanted to be or where you wanted your life to go? I know many people who have known their path from early on, not all of them have achieved it (yet!) but they knew what they wanted. For me, I never knew, and honestly still dont (yet!). I constantly change my answer to the question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” I wanted to be a mechanic, a chef, a geophysicist, a travel writer, a social worker, a UN field worker, a CEO. I always changed my vision based on what was in front of me or what skills and knowledge I was gaining at the time.
Overtime though, I’m started to pay attention to what lights me up. Maybe I’m a pie-in-the-sky millennial living on wishful thinking that I can have it all. A job I love, a partner who checks all my boxes, a life that brings me joy more days than not. A belief that my life can be extraordinary. This I truly believe is possible, and I refuse to settle for anything less.  
Do you believe this is possible for you too? Or do you immediately think that’s just not reality?
The thing is, we will both seek and receive exactly what we think we deserve. I’m choosing to believe an extraordinary life is possible and have begun to politely decline everything that does not contribute to building up that life. And I think a big part of that is finding our purpose, our calling in life. This might seem a little hippy-dippy but I think we all have a purpose, a reason we are here on this Earth and our FIRST job, is to figure out what it is. For some, it might be raising a beautiful family. For another, it could be inventing the next lightbulb. Maybe its to educate the next generation. Or maybe its simply to bring freaking joy to this world. No matter what your purpose is, it's yours, and its something that no one else can do and I believe the world needs you.
Ask yourself what traits you hold that are unique to you - You have them I promise! So first, explore and discover your purpose. Second, believe in yourself enough to pursue it. (Remember to Believe in Magic). And third, go do it y’all! Holy man imagine what the world could be like if we all lived into a purpose that brought us true happiness. If we could just listen and discover that calling inside of us and seek those things that light us up we could begin to live life to its fullest potential. And dare I say live an extraordinary life at that?
So why does this seem so hard? Why do more of us accept mediocrity and the status quo instead of reaching for the extraordinary? Well, I have one theory. Because its easier to live in our safe little bubbles. We know what our days look like, we know what others expect from us, and we feel safe under an illusion of control.
Unfortunately though, that safe bubble gives us a false assumption that we are choosing our own life… making our own decisions. We’re not. Instead in this safe bubble what is actually happening is a consistent and constant need for acceptance from others. We seek validation in everything that we do, we say and we think. And it only reinforces more of the same and keeps us contained and living a mediocre life. We ultimately become invisible in a world of sameness.
But what if we took the risk of being seen? What if we questioned the status quo and asked for more? What if we tried something a little different from what others were doing? What if we chose to live our OWN life in a way that WE chose? We made decisions by looking within instead of as a reflection of our surroundings.
Think about it, have you ever had an idea, dream or crazy idea and people immediately shut you down? Or have you ever felt hesitant to share a big dream or idea for fear that others will think it's ridiculous? ME TOO! Every freaking day I talk to people I am so hesitant to truly share what’s on my heart, to truly expose what I believe my purpose is. Perhaps part of that is because I’m still sifting through what that might be or what it looks like. But you guys I have it, I can FEEL it growing inside.
I am on steps one and two right now discovering what my calling is and believing its possible. This quote has helped shape my mindset over the past week, to just keep going.

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop”
-       Confucius

I’m encouraging you to think about what your purpose is and explore what lights you up inside. Those details will begin guiding you to your true purpose and your calling. I am giving you permission to let yourself be seen and to show up and own who YOU are. Let the universe know what you want to happen and let it come. Believe it's possible and then go out and do it y’all.
I believe in you and can’t wait to see what’s been growing inside of you all along.  
Party jam time!
Spotify >>   Woman –Kesha ft. The Dap-Kings Horns *explicit*

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With gratitude and love,


P.S. If you're looking for a great read to nurture that calling inside of you, I'm about halfway through this gem! The Light is the New Black, Rebecca Cambell. Buy it on Amazon or check out the Next Page, a local book shop in YYC and grab your copy!
