Last Chance This Year

Holy Sh*t party people there are only 11 days left in 2020, 11 DAYS! Maybe less depending on when you read this. I know so many people are counting the days until 2020 is over, but honestly peeps, things aren’t going to change dramatically and magically once the clock strikes midnight on December 31st. The same shit you’re going through now will still be real. The same reasons you are grateful will still be true. Wishing away a bad year is like wishing away a pimple on picture day, it doesn’t go away just because we want it to.

The only way for the coming days, weeks, and the next year to get better is to make it better. We gotta deal with the hard stuff, revel in the good stuff, and make a choice that our life is worth it, because we are. So to end out this year instead of simply counting the days until 2021 arrives, use your final days.

My family made up this little joke, I don’t know how many years ago, that everything we did in the last week of the year would be our "last chance this year!!" And I mean EVERYTHING. Drinking a morning coffee, last chance this year! Cracking open a bottle of wine – well we gotta, it's our last chance this year. Going shopping and spending moolah we don’t have – last chance this year! It was a running joke.

I’m going to leave you with that thought and opportunity, what can you do for the last time this year? Let’s round out these last days of 2020 and seize our last chance.

Last chance this year….

Last chance to reach for joy and gratitude for everything you still have

Last chance to blare your fav playlist and boogie!

Last chance to yell that life isn’t fair

Last chance to wallow in your shit

Last chance to tell Someone what they mean to you

Last chance to complain about being stuck in the house with the SAME people

Last chance to be thankful for those you’ve been stuck in the SAME house with

Last chance to wake up to darkness and see the sun rise and light up the sky

Last chance to breathe that full belly breathe

Last chance to give your loved ones a hug (damn it hug those you wanna!)

Last chance to look back at this wild year and reminisce in the good and the bad

Last chance to be grateful for all the incredible things in your life

Last chance to make your peace with 2020

Last chance to support local - the HoliYAYs were pretty fun this year!

Last chance to say I love you

Last chance to perform that little act of kindness

Last chance to wake up with a steaming cup of coffee

Last chance to enjoy all the Christmas sweets and treats

Last chance to cry those big beautiful tears and release 2020

Last chance this year....what can you do for the last time this year?

And because Christmas is around the corner I’m not sending just one party jam but my entire Christmas playlist. Here’s a link to my Spotify Step Into Christmas playlist!

With so much gratitude, 


P.S.  Thank you for following along with me this year. Whether you are a new reader, or one of my first party people,  I am thankful to share my thoughts, experiences, and positivity with each and every one of you. I can’t wait to continue in 2021. Keep an eye out and subscribe to THE ATTITUDE IS GRATITUDE and you’ll get 2021s first message right to your inbox on January 4th! (which just happens to be my birthday 😉)

You only have one life, so go live it, in big and small ways, every day. See you in 2021!

P.P.S - Below are some of my favourite posts of the year, maybe you weren't following me at the time, or maybe you need a 







